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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 矿业类 > 采矿工程 > 正文


 2021-04-05 00:08:23  

摘 要

本次论文主要基于FLAC3D三维数值模拟软件,以许厂煤矿330东翼采区3318工作面皮带顺槽为研究背景,建立近断层煤矿巷道的三维数值模型,研究了近断层煤矿巷道围岩的变形破坏特征及其应力分布规律,为解决巷道围岩的变形破坏和失稳的问题而进行了合理的围岩支护体系设计,最终确定以“锚杆 锚索 金属网”联合支护形式在FALC3D软件中构建巷道支护模型,从而验证该支护体系在近断层巷道中的实用性和可行性。研究结果表明:该近断层煤矿巷道的围岩在巷道开挖之后变形较为严重,巷道底鼓且底板垂直位移具有一定不对称性,巷道两帮严重内突收敛,两帮最大位移量约55cm,为巷道发生变形破坏的最为严重的部位;采用“锚杆 锚索 金属网”联合支护的方式对巷道进行及时有效的支护后,围岩自身承载能力得到明显提升,围岩顶底板和两帮的变形量明显降低,该支护体系对于近断层煤矿巷道围岩的控制具有较强的实用性,对相似巷道的支护具备一定的参考价值。



This paper is mainly based on FLAC3D three-dimensional numerical simulation software. Based on the research background of the 3318 working face belt of the 330 East Wing mining area of Xuchang Coal Mine, the three-dimensional numerical model of the roadway of the near fault coal mine is established, and the deformation of the surrounding rock of the mine near the fault coal mine is studied. Destruction characteristics and stress distribution law, in order to solve the problem of deformation, failure and instability of roadway surrounding rock, a reasonable design of surrounding rock support system was carried out, and the form of joint support of "bolt, anchor cable and metal mes" was finally determined. The roadway support model is constructed in the FALC3D software to verify the practicability and feasibility of the support system in the near fault roadway. The results show that the surrounding rock of the near-fault coal mine roadway is more severely deformed after the excavation of the roadway. The vertical displacement of the bottom drum and the bottom of the roadway has certain asymmetry. The two internal gangs have serious internal agglomeration, and the maximum displacement of the two gangs is about 55cm. The most severe part of the roadway is deformed and destroyed. After the timely support of the roadway by the combination of "bolt, anchor cable and metal mesh",the bearing capacity of the surrounding rock is obviously improved. The deformation of the two gangs is obviously reduced. The support system has strong practicability for the surrounding rock control of the near fault coal mine, and has certain reference value for the support of similar roadway.

Key words: coal mine roadway; fault; numerical simulation; surrounding rock deformation; roadway support


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 目的及意义 1

1.2 研究现状 1

1.3 基本内容 2

第2章 近断层煤矿巷道三维数值模型的建立 4

2.1 巷道的基本概况 4

2.1.1 巷道基本条件 4

2.1.2 煤层地质条件 4

2.2 模型建立 6

2.2.1 ANSYS网格模型的构建 6

2.2.2 FLAC 3D三维数值模型的构建 8

2.3本章小结 9

第三章 巷道开挖后围岩稳定性分析 12

3.1 巷道围岩破坏特征 12

3.2 巷道围岩位移场特征 12

3.2.1 巷道围岩水平位移 13

3.2.1 巷道围岩垂直位移 13

3.3 巷道围岩应力场特征 14

3.3.1 巷道围岩垂直应力 14

3.3.1 巷道围岩水平应力 15

3.4 本章小结 16

第四章 支护设计 17

4.1 支护方式的选择 17

4.2 锚杆支护参数设计 17

4.2.1 按悬吊理论设计锚杆参数 17

4.2.2 锚索支护参数 19

4.2.3 其他支护参数 21

4.3 本章小结 22

第五章 支护条件下的巷道围岩稳定性分析 23

5.1 巷道支护模型的建立 23

5.2 支护条件下的模拟结果分析 24

5.2.1 支护条件下的垂直位移 24

5.2.2 支护条件下的水平位移 24

5.2.3 支护条件下的垂直应力场 25

5.2.4 支护条件下的水平应力场 26

5.3 本章小结 26

第六章 结论 27

参考文献 28

致谢 30

第1章 绪论

1.1 目的及意义




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