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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 物流管理与工程类 > 物流管理 > 正文


 2021-03-28 23:13:04  

摘 要

随着信息网络技术和虚拟购物的快速发展,物流客户的数量呈爆炸式增长,物流企业也发展的很快,而物流系统中非常重要的一部分是运输配送。配送就是将货物从配送中心送到客户的手中,它被称为“最后一公里物流”。配送车辆路径安排的好不但能提高客户对服务的满意度,同时也能降低运输成本。车辆路径问题(Vehicle Routing Problem,VRP)属于物流配送中首先要解决的问题。VRP是著名的NP问题,很难被完美的解决,但是因为在社会的很多方面都有应用,而且解决VRP问题具有重大的经济价值和理论价值,所以还是有许多专家在研究它。


关键字:差分进化算法 车辆路径问题 贪婪算法 边界修复操作


With the development of information technology and electronic commerce, the number of logistics customers exploding, logistics enterprises are developing rapidly, and transportation play a very important part in the logistics system. The distribution goods is from the logistics center to customer goods delivered to the hands of customers, known as “the last one kilometer Logistics” . Good vehicle routing can not only improve the customer satisfaction of service, but also can reduce the transportation cost. The vehicle routing problem (VRP) is the first to solve the logistics problem in.VRP is the famous NP problem, it is difficult to Perfect solution, but because there are many aspects of the application, and solve the problem of VRP has great economic value and theoretical value, so there are still many experts in the study of it

This thesis focuses on the vehicle routing problem, firstly analyzes the research background and purpose and significance of the study at home and abroad as well as the vehicle routing problem and the differential evolution algorithm of vehicle routing problem.Then the research of VRP, analyzes the vehicle routing problem with general overview, elements, classification and general solutions of these three aspects. Then the differential evolution algorithm is analyzed, the main principle from three aspects, the operation steps and improvement methods to carry on the analysis. Finally, there is the use of mathematical model for capacity constrained vehicle routing problem, put forward the difference solution algorithm based on real number encoding by simple The serial number for encoding, using the greedy algorithm to initialize the population, the variation is directly using the modified method of phase variation, the encoding rounding, then the legalization of illegal operation of encoding variation occurs after the process, using the binomial crossover strategy, according to the idea of preserving good choice fitness higher in individuals. Actual case analysis, using this algorithm to solve the case than the original basic difference solution algorithm is more superior, the objective function value is less than the basic difference function algorithm the value.

Key words: differential evolution algorithm vehicle routing problem greedy algorithm boundary repair operation

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究的意义和背景 1

1.1.1背景 1

1.1.2目的与意义 1

1.2国内外研究状况 2

1.2.1车辆路径优化问题国内外研究现状 2

1.2.2差分进化算法国内外研究现状 2

1.3研究内容和研究方法 3

1.3.1研究内容 3

1.3.2采用的技术方案 3

1.3.3研究的重点和难点 3

第2章 车辆路径问题的方法研究 5

2.1车辆路径问题基本概念 5

2.1.1车辆路径问题描述 5

2.1.2车辆路径问题构成要素 5

2.2车辆路径问题的分类 5

2.2.1基本模型 6

2.2.2衍生模型 6

2.3车辆路径问题的典型算法 7

2.4选择差分进化算法的理由 8

2.5本章小结 8

第3章 差分进化算法及其改进 9

3.1 差分进化算法基本概念 9

3.2差分进化基本操作及优缺点 9

3.2差分进化算法的改进 10

3.2.1种群结构改进 10

3.2.2操作算子改进 11

3.2.3与其他算法融合 11

3.3本章小结 11

第4章 车辆路径问题的改进差分进化算法设计 12

4.1标准差分进化算法的实施流程 12

4.2 改进差分进化算法的主要操作步骤 12

4.2.1 模型编码方案 13

4.2.2 贪婪种群初始化 13

4.2.3 差分变异操作和边界修复操作 13

4.2.4 交叉操作 14

4.2.5 选择操作 14

4.2.6 Matlab编程 14

4.3本章小结 14

第5章研究成果案例验证 16

5.1建立CVRP的数学模型 16

5.2实例分析 17

5.3本章小结 22

第6章总结与展望 23

6.1全文总结 23

6.2研究展望 23

参考文献 25

附录1 26

致谢 35

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究的意义和背景

1.1.1 背景



1.1.2 目的与意义

车辆路径优化问题能通过有许多算法来解决,如差分进化算法,遗传算法等等。差分进化算法(different evolution,DE)作为一种更简单、所需调节的参数较少、易于理解和实现的随机实参数优化算法,它比较擅长解决全局最优化、多目标优化和复杂函数优化方面的问题,而且与遗传算法相比差别就是基于差分的简单变异(通过父代向量之间的差来探索目标函数)和一对一的保优选择操作,这样就降低了遗传算法的操作难度。而且差分进化算法凭借它记忆个体最优解的能力能够利用个体的局部信息和全局的信息来改进搜索方法,具有很强的收敛性和鲁棒性,且对问题的特征信息没有需求,能够用来解决那些较为复杂约束条件较多的优化问题。

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