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 2021-03-27 17:50:08  

摘 要



因此,本文就以加快智能仓储的出入库工作过程为目的,将设计对象放在了基于视觉的AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle,自动导引车)系统上。本次设计采用CCD摄像头动态摄取AGV路径的图像信息,通过对图像信息进行实时处理后,采用Hough变换法提取出路径参数;在控制方面采用了PID控制算法对AGV的路径进行控制,使车辆沿规定的运行线路行走,完成仓储物品的出入库。



With the development of the information age, the popularity of the Internet, electric business more and more attract people's attention.With the development of electricity providers, logistics and transportation industry has also been rapid development, in which intelligent warehousing has become an important part of the process of logistics and circulation. The logistics activities of the intelligent warehouse are in accordance with the operating characteristics of the discrete event dynamic system, and the system changes in the discrete time due to the random events. In the face of the sudden increase of the order, the efficiency of the warehousing of the intelligent warehouse is very important. Therefore, it is of great significance to accelerate the development of intelligent storage and storage of warehousing, which can not only bring great convenience to our enterprise development, but also have important significance for the future development of intelligent storage.

The design task of this paper is to design a intelligent storage cargo loading and unloading system based on machine vision, to set up the guidance information medium in the pre-planned running route, to identify the guide path through the camera, to control the information in real time, Vehicles along the provisions of the running line to complete the storage of storage items.

In order to speed up the process of warehousing and storage of intelligent warehouses, this paper will focus on the visual AGV (Automated Guided Vehicle) system. Visual navigation AGV can be divided into three parts according to the function: the visual system realizes the information related to the guidance control in real time. The control system handles the information collected by the visual system and sends the control instruction according to the control result according to the processing result. Control the instructions issued by the system and perform the appropriate operations. This design uses CCD camera to dynamically capture the image information of AGV path, through the real-time processing of image information, the use of Hough transform method to extract the path parameters. In the control aspect, the PID control algorithm is used to control the AGV path, Line walk, complete storage and storage items out of storage.

Key Words:visual guidance; AGV; image processing; PID control algorithm

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究目的及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.3 课题研究内容 2

第2章 仓储入库视觉图像处理系统 3

2.1 仓储入库AGV整体系统结构介绍 3

2.1.1 AGV系统简介 3

2.1.2 AGV结构简介 3

2.1.3 仓储入库AGV系统设计 4

2.2 仓储入库图像处理总体设计 4

2.3 图像预处理 5

2.3.1 图像灰度化 5

2.3.2 图像滤波 6

2.3.3 图像对比度拉伸 6

2.4 图像分割 7

2.5 图像形态学处理 8

2.6 图像路径参数提取 8

2.7 仓储入库视觉图像处理仿真设计 9

第3章 仓储入库AGV运动控制系统 16

3.1 主控制器模块 16

3.2 电机驱动设计 17

3.3 电源设计 19

第4章 仓储入库的PID控制算法 20

4.1 PID算法简介 20

4.2 PID算法基本原理 20

4.3 PID对仓储入库AGV运动控制设计 21

第5章 总结与展望 23

参考文献 25

致谢 26

第1章 绪论




AGV(Automated Guided Vehicle,自动导引车)是指装备有电磁或者光学等自动导向设备,能够按照规定的导引路径行驶,能够自动完成货物的装载与卸载工作,并具有安全保护以及各种移栽功能的全自动运输装置[2]。随着自动化程度的不断提高,AGV技术也在不断地增强,根据导引方式的差异,已经有很多不同类型的AGV被研制了出来,其在应用方面也各有优缺[3]。比如:电磁导引的AGV具有实现简单、可靠性高、投资少等优点,但是其改变导引路径较为困难且导引线铺设不易;激光/红外线导引的AGV具有定位精确、路径灵活多变等优点,但是其对AGV运行的环境要求较高,而且成本偏高;惯性导引的AGV同样具有准确性高、灵活性强的优点,但是其成本过高,后期的维护保养困难等[3]

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