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 2021-03-27 16:51:37  

摘 要





As a representative of the electronic entertainment products, the shooting machine integrates a large number of components and components together to form such a powerful product. In this paper, according to the requirements of the subject to complete a shooting machine hardware platform, and software debugging online, until all the functions.The design is mainly used to microcontrollers’ knowledge, circuit knowledge and some commonly used peripheral hardware knowledge, such as digital tubes, photoelectric sensors and DC motors, etc. In this entertainment space is increasingly limited, and people in work and study, eager to alleviate their own pressure through some entertainment to the background. The significance of this project is to solve this embarrassing situation. The designed shooting machine not only saves land effectively, but also releases pressure effectively, and achieves the purpose of checking the achievements of the four year study in this process.

In the early stage of the design, the overall design of the project is carried out according to the task requirements, and the hardware program is designed to meet the requirements. The selection of the scheme should be based on certain feasibility investigation. If the scheme is feasible, the overall scheme design can be completed according to the design requirements. If the scheme is feasible, the overall scheme design can be completed according to the design requirements. In this paper, through the analysis of the reasons for the popularity of the shooting machine, a variety of design options are discussed. The necessary theoretical analysis and experimental proof of each unit circuit in the scheme are carried out. After considering reliability, maintainability, cost and other requirements, the device is selected. The design scheme is based on a 51 microcontrollers is the core of the control system of this design is the most suitable, digital tube, DC motor, photoelectric switch and other peripheral equipment in the control of 51 microcontrollers, mobile scoring function and simulation machine can realize the basket basketball shooting machine machine. The shooting machine designed in this paper is interesting and can effectively relieve people's pressure, and can also play a role in exercising.

Key Words:Basketball machine hardware platform;51 Microcontrollers;Conceptual design;Hardware unit circuit


第1章 序言 1

1.1概述 1

1.2国内外研究现状 2

第2章 需求分析与设计方案论证 3

2.1 需求分析 3

2.2 设计方案 3

2.3方案论证 5

2.3.1 单片机选型 5

2.3.2传感器的选择 5

2.3.3 电机的选择 6

2.4本章小结 7

第3章 单元电路设计 8

3.1单片机最小系统的设计 8

3.1.1 STC89C52单片机的结构与原理 8

3.1.2 STC89C52单片机的引脚及功能 9

3.1.3 STC89C52单片机最小系统 11

3.2显示电路 14

3.2.1 数码管的结构与动态显示驱动 14

3.2.2 显示电路总体设计 16

3.3传感器电路的设计 16

3.3.1 光电传感器 16

3.3.2 光电传感器电路设计 17

3.4电机驱动电路的设计 18

3.4.1 直流电动机 18

3.4.2 直流电机驱动控制技术 19

3.4.3 直流电机驱动电路的设计 21

3.5本章小结 21

第4章 电路仿真及调试 22

4.1篮球机整体电路原理图 22

4.2篮球机整体电路仿真图 23

4.2.1光电开关电路测试 24

4.2.2电机驱动电路测试 25

4.2.3显示电路测试 26

4.2.4 游戏模式选择测试 26

4.3硬件实物 26

4.4本章小结 27

第5章 总结及展望 28

致谢 29

参考文献 30

第1章 序言



⑴ 集体性:篮球不是一个人的比赛,它有各种团队玩法,比如3Vs3、5Vs5,都需要每名队友之间团结协作,相互配合的精神。

⑵ 对抗性:在篮球运动持续时间里,两队往往上演攻防大战,双方你来我往,需要每一名参与者集中精力来回奔跑、连续起跳,做一些防止让对方得分的有效行动。

⑶ 观赏性:篮球比赛中,远动员们经常要做运球,传球,投篮等动作,一张一弛间都是艺术,不时还会上演抢断、扣篮和封盖等令人热血澎湃的神迹。比赛结果是无法准确预知的,正因为这样,比赛持续到最后一秒都是精彩绝伦的。

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