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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2021-03-23 22:48:09  

摘 要






Environmental vibration issues become increasingly outstanding and new vibration reduction methods are developed in a hurry as more viaducts in and between cities are built. Nevertheless abandoning steel bearing and widely applying various rubber bearings make researchers notice that bridge supporters are not rigid anymore. Based on previous research results and aiming at the vibration caused by high-speed trains running through bridge seated on elastomeric bearings and the reduction vibration effects of rubber bearing, the followings were studied in this thesis: the mathematical models of bridge seated on elastomeric bearings and train were built and the coupled vibration equations of train-bridge system were derived; the influences of existence of elastomeric bearing and vibration reducing device in trains on bridge vibration were analyzed; influences of the stiffness and damping coefficients of rubber bearing (elastomeric bearing) and train speed on vibration reducing effect of bearing were studied and provide reasonable advice for parameter values of vibration-reducing bearings.

The results indicate: the existences of elastomeric bearing and vibration reducing device of trains have obvious influences on vibration response of bridge; vibration response of superstructure intensifies and yet that of substructure weakens as vertical stiffness of bearing decreases when bearings are provided with a certain damping; the existence of damping of bearing remarkably weakens vibration response of both superstructure and substructure; for the best reducing effect, stiffness of bearings should be as small as possible and make damping close or equal to critical value after ensuring the safety of structure; compared with steel bearing and EBP, rubber bearings possess better performance of reducing traffic-induced environmental vibration.

This paper is outstanding at studying vehicle-induced vibration from the angle of dynamical differential equation of bridge. Both stiffness and damping coefficients of bearing are considered to build mathematical model of viscoelastic bearing, on whose basis coupled vibration equations of train-bridge system were actively derived.

Key Words:rubber bearing;damping coefficient;vehicle-bridge coupled vibration;vibration reducing effect analysis

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究的背景和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 2

1.2.1 桥梁支座发展现状 2

1.2.2 减振措施研发现状 5

1.2.3 减振支座研究现状 6

1.3 本文研究工作的主要内容 7

第2章 柔性支承下车-桥系统计算模型与运动方程 9

2.1 车-桥系统计算模型 9

2.1.1 柔性支承桥梁模型 9

2.1.2 列车模型 10

2.2 车-桥系统运动方程 11

2.2.1 移动集中力 11

2.2.2 移动车轮加簧上质量 17

2.3 计算模型对比分析 24

2.4 本章小结 28

第3章 橡胶支座竖向减振效果的影响分析 30

3.1 振动响应的评价方法 30

3.1.1 上部结构 30

3.1.2 下部结构 30

3.2 桥梁支座参数的影响 31

3.2.1 支座刚度的影响 31

3.2.2 支座阻尼的影响 36

3.2.3 支座刚度与阻尼的共同影响 40

3.3 列车速度的影响 43

3.4 本章小结 48

第4章 结论与展望 50

4.1 结论 50

4.2 展望 51

参考文献 52

致 谢 54




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