2021-03-23 22:44:16
摘 要
Unquestionable,AC motor is an essential electrical equipment for the normal operation and development of modern society.But because of its working principle and starting characteristic, the power factor of the AC motor in the starting process is low.This would result in the waste of energy and the damage to the power grid and other consequences. Therefore, it is necessary to study the power factor and reactive power compensation in the starting process of AC motor.
The purpose of this graduation project is to study and analyze the power factor problem of the AC motor in it’s starting process and design the reactive power compensation scheme. Then, the Matlab/Simulink simulation tool will be used to verify the reactive power compensation method.
First of all, through the research and development of the power factor and reactive power compensation in the starting process of AC motor, finding out the difficulties and the key points of this paper, then ,determine the content of the research.
Secondly, we will study and analyze the mathematical model, coordinate transformation, equivalent circuit of AC motor .obviously,it will be useful to understand the working principle and the starting characteristics or other issues.
Thirdly, the Matlab/Simulink simulation tool is used to simulate the AC motor, so as to study the relationship between the power factor and parameters such as speed and torque during the starting process of the AC motor.
Fourthly, according to the analysis result, the reactive power compensation method in the starting process of AC motor can be designed, including the calculation of capacitance and the switching scheme.
Finally, the scheme designed in the starting process of AC motor is simulated and verified by Matlab/Simulink. Verify the correctness and feasibility of the proposal.
In this graduation project, the power factor and reactive power compensation of AC motor in starting process are studied, analyzed and validated,through the related theory and Matlab/Simulink simulation tool. It provides a basis for solving the practical problem of low power factor in the process of motor starting.
Key words: AC motor; starting process; power factor; reactive power compensation; Matlab/Simulink
第1章 概述 1
1.1课题研究目的及意义 1
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 交流电机功率因数研究现状 2
1.2.2交流电机无功补偿技术研究现状 3
1.3论文研究的关键问题 5
1.4论文研究内容及章节安排 5
1.4.1交流电机起动功率因数分析 5
1.4.2交流电机起动数学模型构建 5
1.4.3交流电机起动无功补偿 6
1.4.4 论文章节安排 6
第2章 交流电机数学模型与等效电路的研究 8
2.1交流电机的动态数学模型 8
2.1.1 电机的数学模型 8
2.1.2坐标变换 10
2.2 交流电机的等效电路及起动过程的简单分析 12
2.2.1交流电机起动过程转速与功率因数理论分析 13
2.2.2交流电机起动电流与转矩分析 14
2.4本章小结 15
第3章 交流电机起动过程中功率因数与转速、转矩之间的关系 16
3.2交流电机MATLAB建模与仿真分析 16
3.2.1 MATLAB仿真工具简介 16
3.2.2交流电机直接起动建模与仿真 16
3.2.3交流电机软起动建模与仿真 19
3.2.4仿真结果分析 21
3.3本章小结 21
第4章 交流电机起动过程无功补偿方法研究 22
4.1交流电机无功补偿原理 22
4.2交流电机无功补偿方案设计 23
4.2.1交流电机无功补偿方法分析 23
4.2.2无功补偿容量的计算 24
4.2.3电容投切方法设计 25
4.2.4设计无功补偿方案 26
4.4本章小结 26
第5章 无功补偿方案的MATLAB仿真验证 28
5.1交流电机无功补偿方案仿真模型的构建及仿真 28
5.2仿真结果分析 30
5.3本章小结 30
第6章 总结与展望 31
6.1 总结 31
6.2展望 31
参考文献 33
附录A 交流电机直接起动仿真模型 35
附录B 交流电机软起动仿真模型 36
附录C 交流电机软起动无功补偿一体化装置仿真模型 37
致谢 38
第1章 概述
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