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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 电气工程及其自动化 > 正文


 2021-03-23 22:44:23  

摘 要










When the asynchronous motor is started directly, the starting current is very large, which will affect the power grid, which affects the stability of the power grid. The soft start technology can effectively reduce these effects. Therefore, the soft start technology is widely used in the starting of the motor.

The main purpose of this graduation design is to study the characteristics of soft start. When starting the motor, the purpose of reducing the starting current and shortening the starting time is achieved.

First of all, the development of soft-start technology and research status of the study, generally understand the soft-start technology, to determine their graduation design chapter arrangement.

Then, the T-type equivalent circuit and the traditional step-down starting mode of the asynchronous motor are introduced, and the soft start mode such as the soft start of the liquid resistance, the soft start of the thyristor, the soft start of the magnetron, and the soft start of the inverter are analyzed.

Then the two different power of the motor were directly started, thyristor soft start simulation, get different starting mode of the starting current, speed waveform, verify the use of soft start mode can limit the effectiveness of the starting current.

Finally, through the analysis of the ideal starting curve of the asynchronous motor, the soft start simulation is carried out by using the composite control method in combination with the characteristics of the curve, and finally the conclusion that the motor starting current can be limited and the starting time can be shortened.

In this paper, through the theoretical study and combined with the simulation of the waveform, the motor soft start characteristics have a better understanding, and can use composite control to limit the starting current, shorten the starting time.

Key word:The asynchronous motor;Soft start; Limiting starting current;MATLAB simulation


摘要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 本课题研究的背景与意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状及发展趋势 3

1.2.1 国外软起动技术的发展现状 3

1.2.2国内软起动产业发展现状 3

1.2.3 与国外软起动技术差距及发展趋势 4

1.3 课题主要研究的内容以及章节安排 4

第2章 交流电动机起动方法分析 5

2.1 异步电动机起动的基本原理及机械特性 5

2.1.1 异步电动机起动原理 5

2.1.2 异步电动机的机械特性 6

2.2 电动机传统降压起动 6

2.3 电动机软起动方法分析 7

2.4 异步电动机软起动方法比较 11

2.5本章小结 11

第3章 电动机起动方法的仿真 12

3.1 三相异步电动机的直接起动仿真分析 12

3.1.1 7.5kW/380V/15A交流电动机直接起动建模与仿真 12

3.1.2 1800kW/6kV/220A交流电动机直接起动仿真 13

3.1.3 直接起动的仿真分析 14

3.2 三相交流异步电动机Y-△起动的仿真分析 15

3.3 异步电动机晶闸管软起动仿真 17

3.3.1 交流异步电动机的软起动的建模与仿真 17

3.3.2 交流异步电动机软起动的仿真 18

3.4 直接起动与软起动的比较分析 21

3.5本章小结 21

第4章 电动机起动限流与起动时间 22

4.1 异步电动机理想的起动特性曲线及分析 22

4.2 电动机起动控制方式分析 23

4.2.1 基本控制方式 23

4.2.2 控制方式的确定 25

4.3 两种限流方式的软起动仿真 26

4.3.1 采用电压斜坡控制方式 26

4.3.2 复合控制方式的仿真 28

4.3.3 仿真分析 30

4.4 本章小结 30

第5章 总结和展望 31

5.1 总结 31

5.2 展望 31

参考文献 32

附录A 直接起动仿真模型 33

附录B Y-△降压起动仿真模型 34

附录C 晶闸管软起动仿真模型 35

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