2021-03-22 23:05:23
摘 要
本设计所开发的app是建立在android studio,eclipse平台上的,基于tcp/ip协议的,一个具有完整文字聊天功能的android应用。在本文中,给出了该项目的完整系统分析,设计以及开发过程,包括android客户端的实现,服务器端的实现,整个项目的搭建。最后构建的app可以运行在大多数android系统上,满足随时随地只要联网就能聊天的需求。
In recent years, the utilization of mobile devices has been greatly improved. People can access the Internet anytime and anywhere to obtain relevant services. Such as mobile payments, drops taxi, the U.S. mission takeaway and so on. The development of mobile Internet greatly facilitates people's life. As for mobile devices, 80% are Android systems. The Android system has won the market with its open source and excellent user experience. The application developed on the Android system is called Android application (APP). At present, people can not do without all kinds of Android applications.
The market already has many mature im app, such as QQ, WeChat and so on. The advent of these applications allows people to communicate anytime, anywhere, including text chat, voice chat, video calls, facial expressions, and so on. These app enable people to become more diverse communication, fragmentation, but also closer to the distance between people.
The app developed by this design is built on Android studio, Eclipse platform, and based on tcp/ip protocol, a Android application with full text chat function. In this paper, the whole system analysis, design and development process of the project are given, including the realization of Android client, the implementation of server and the construction of the whole project. Finally, the build app can run on most Android systems and meet the needs of chatting whenever you can.
Keywords: android, tcp/ip, instant messaging , Multithreading,
摘 要 I
Abstract II
1 绪论 2
1.1 研究背景 2
1.2 研究现状 4
1.3 主要工作 5
1.4 本文结构 5
2 Android技术与理论 7
2.1 Android系统开发简介 7
2.2 Android应用的构成和工作机制 7
3 需求分析 10
3.1 功能需求分析 10
3.2性能需求分析 11
3.3安全需求 11
4 功能设计 12
4.1 总体设计 12
4.2 客户端,服务端消息通信原理 12
5 具体实现 14
5.1Android开发平台搭建 14
5.2客户端具体功能实现 14
5.3服务端具体功能实现 19
5.3本章小结 24
6 系统测试 25
6.1系统部署 25
6.2系统测试 25
7 总结 29
7.1全文总结与展望 29
参考文献 30
致 谢 31
1 绪论
- Android操作系统
由于移动设备不断发展,不断更新,涌现了一大批进入移动开发行业的程序员。目前,移动开发领域以android的发展最为迅速,不过短短几年时间,就取代了诺基亚塞班系统称为了移动设备系统的霸主。通过其在线市场,程序员不仅仅可以向全世界贡献自己的程序,而且可以通过销售渠道获得不菲的收入。Android是专门为移动设备开发的,它不仅仅包含了操作系统,更是一个巨大的开发平台。Android由Andy Rubin创办。2005年google收购了Android的使用权。2007年11月5日,google正式发布了android平台。不久它就成为了全球最受欢迎的智能手机平台。
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