2021-03-16 22:58:15
摘 要
As the performance gap between the processor and the storage is growing, especially the huge one between the processor and the external storage, the I/O bottleneck problem have become increasingly prominent. So, the approach of establishing in-memory file system arises at he historic moment. At present, there are several approaches of using memory to alleviate the I/O bottleneck, such as Ramdisk, Ramfs and tmpfs.
In our country, as the super computer such as “Tianhe-2” and “Sunway TaihuLight” won the first place in a row in supercomputing in the world, it marks our country has made great progress in high-performance computing hardware technology. And this provides powerful support of computing power for those software systems which need large-scale computation. “Tianhe-2” applys a centralized storage, which uses Lustre parallel file system. And this file system has a better performance for handling continuous read/write files of having large size. For those systems which will produce a large amount of temporary files of having small size, the application of centralize storage for “Tianhe-2” can seriously hinder the overall lperformance. Moreover, we couldn’t get the root access of compute nodes of “Tianhe-2”. So we can’t create in-memory file system like Ramfs.
In order to solve the above problems, I studied how to design and realize a in-memory temporary file system with applying some technology such as Linux message queue, network programming with socket, unbuffered I/O and so on. This system’ main task is to design register manager process, temporary file object, and exchange process. At the meantime, I also introduced different processing methods of 3 different client file.
At last, I made a comparison test. This file system is tested in a vulnerability mining system based on a distributed and parallel computation framework(DCR) and the “Tianhe-2”. The result of study is better, which has a guiding significance for improving the bottleneck of centralized storage of “Tihanhe-2”.
Key Words: I/O bottleneck;Linux message queue;network programming with socket;in-memory temporary file system
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 研究现状 1
1.3 研究内容 2
1.4 论文结构 3
第2章 系统相关技术 4
2.1 Linux消息队列 4
2.1.1 消息队列概述 4
2.2 Linux下socket网络编程 4
2.2.1 socket网络编程概述 4
2.3 Linux文件I/O函数简介 6
2.4 DCR分布式并行计算框架简介 7
2.4.1 DCR简介 7
2.4.2 DCR在天河二号超级计算机上运行 9
第3章 基于内存的临时文件中转系统设计与实现 11
3.1临时文件中转系统总体结构设计 11
3.2 注册管理进程的设计与实现 13
3.2.1 主要数据结构定义 13
3.2.2 注册管理进程的实现 14
3.3 临时文件对象模型的设计与实现 15
3.3.1 主要数据结构定义 15
3.3.2 临时文件对象状态转移图 16
3.3.3 临时文件对象的实现 17
3.4 中转进程的设计与实现 22
3.4.1 文件名管理的设计与实现 22
3.4.2 数据交换缓冲的设计与实现 24
第4章 中转系统对3种不同客户端文件的处理 26
4.1主要数据结构定义 26
4.2 对Linux下文件I/O函数的处理 27
4.2.1 利用TFEM_open函数替换open函数 27
4.2.2 利用TFEM_write函数替换write函数 27
4.2.3 利用TFEM_read函数替换read函数 28
4.2.4 利用TFEM_close函数替换close函数 28
4.2.5 利用TFEM_lseek0函数替换lseek函数 29
4.3 对Linux下标准I/O函数fopen/fclose的处理 29
4.3.1 Linux中函数fmemopen与open_memstream介绍 29
4.3.2 对fopen/fclose函数替换算法的设计 29
4.4 对C 输出流ostream的处理 31
第5章 在漏洞挖掘软件系统上的应用测试 32
5.1 漏洞挖掘软件系统介绍 32
5.2实验结果分析 36
5.2.1 实验环境 36
5.2.2 性能测试 37
5.3 本章小结 39
结论 40
1. 论文工作总结 40
2. 论文工作展望 40
参考文献 41
致谢 42
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及意义
1.2 研究现状