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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 交通运输类 > 道路桥梁与渡河工程 > 正文


 2021-03-16 22:58:35  

摘 要





This project is the design of bridge bracket.With the help of finite element analysis software Midas,I build a model to analyze the main 1# bridge bracket building of HaoKou interchange.This bridge belongs to rivers alluvial plain,terrain is flat and open,and the altitude is among 28m to 28.6m.Guang Zhong has crops,and the bridge is located near the village,the traffic is very convenient.The bridge is located in Jianghan and Dongting river rift zone.According to the geological data and field geology survey, the surface has no obvious signs of fracture structure,geologic structure has normal development,such situation is very suitable for the bridge construction.The construction of cast-in-situ box-beam in this project uses bowl scaffold.The whole bridge has three parts,the first parts use precast small box girder;the second part uses cast-in-place prestressed concrete continuous box girder; the first parts use precast small box girder.The main design include the building of bridge bracket model and the bridge upper structure design.The design is finished with computer,the Midas software and CAD are the main software. Design drawings including figure, bridge bracket design, bridge design specifications.

The results show that the bridge bracket model is qualified,the intensity,rigidity and stability are all checked,all the elements meet the requirements.Such model can be used in real project.

Key Words: construction of cast-in-situ box-beam;Midas software;bowl scaffold;filling scheme;the building of bridge bracket model

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 工程简介 1

1.1.1 总体布置 1

1.1.2 下部构造 1

1.1.3 上部构造 1

1.1.4 交叉工程 1

1.2 沿线地形地貌、气候、水文、地质条件 3

1.2.1 地形、地貌、地质构造 3

1.2.2 水文、气象 3

第2章 支架系统结构拟定 4

2.1 支架结构布置 4

2.2 支架架设 4

2.2.1 测量放样 4

2.2.2 地基处理 4

2.2.3 横向钢管、墩台支撑布设 4

2.2.4 纵向钢管布设 4

2.2.5 水平钢管布设 4

2.2.6 剪刀撑、扫地杆 5

2.2.7 上部构造 5

2.2.8 顶托、底托设置 5

2.2.9 支架安装 5

第3章 荷载验算 6

3.1 恒载 6

3.2 活载 6

3.3 验算参数 6

3.4 验算依据 6

3.5 结构内力计算 7

3.6 支架系统的分幅 7

第4章 第一联支架结构验算 8

4.1 15mm木塑板验算 9

4.2 10×10cm纵向方木 10

4.3 15×15cm横向方木 10

4.4 I14工字钢验算 11

4.5 竖向钢管支架验算 12

4.6 横向钢管支架验算 15

4.7 纵向钢管支架验算 16

4.8 横向剪力撑验算 17

4.9 纵向剪力撑验算 19

4.10 双拼I25a工字钢验算 20

4.11 地基承载力验算 21

第5章 第二联支架结构验算 24

5.1 15mm塑板验算 25

5.2 10×10cm纵向方木 26

5.3 15×15cm横向方木 26

5.4 I14工字钢验算 27

5.5 竖向钢管支架验算 28

5.6 横向钢管支架验算 31

5.7 纵向钢管支架验算 32

5.8 横向剪力撑验算 33

5.9 纵向剪力撑验算 35

5.10 地基承载力验算 36

第6章 第三联支架结构验算 40

6.1 15cm木塑板验算 41

6.2 10×10cm纵向方木 42

6.3 15×15cm横向方木 42

6.4 I14工字钢验算 43

6.5 竖向钢管支架验算 44

6.6 横向钢管支架验算 47

6.7 纵向钢管支架验算 48

6.8 横向剪力撑验算 49

6.9 纵向剪力撑验算 51

6.10 双拼I25a工字钢验算 52

6.11 地基承载力验算 53

第7章 结论 56

参考文献 57

第8章 致 谢 59




本桥起点桩号K176 691.5,终点桩号K176 986.5,桥梁总长295m。

桥面左幅等宽:0.5m(墙式护栏) 净11.75m 0.5m(墙式护栏)=12.75m(左幅总宽)。

桥面右幅变宽:0.5m(墙式护栏) 净15.75m~11.75m 0.5m(墙式护栏)=12.75~16.75m(右幅总宽)。






本桥上跨A匝道桥,交叉桩号为AK0 568.485=K176 732.613,斜角角度105.6°。


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