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 2021-03-16 22:52:55  

摘 要







In the study of multiferroic ceramic materials,we found that some of the double-layer perovskite materials synthesized by high-pressure technology will exhibit negative magnetization. Materials with negative magnetization can be used as magnetic memory devices or switching devicesand it is with great prospects. In addition, the negative magnetization phenomenon is a unique physical phenomenon, which helps to understand the relationship between the spin structure of the material and the magnetic competition.

In this paper, Bi2FeMnO6 ceramic samples with two structures were synthesized by atmospheric pressure and 5Gpa high pressure. And a series of tests were carried out on two samples, including XRD, Raman spectroscopy and magnetic temperature curve test. Through the test results, the structure and magnetic temperature characteristics of the two samples were analyzed.

Research indicates,different synthetic conditions of the sample performance of different structural features,at normal pressure, the synthesized sample is a rhombic structure, while the high pressure synthesis sample is an orthorhombic structure. At the same time in the 5Gpa high pressure synthesis Bi2FeMnO6 sample magnetic temperature curve,as the temperature decreases, there is a magnetization reversal phenomenon,that is, the magnetic moment of the material and the direction of the magnetic field is opposite, the magnetization is negative. The test results show that the high pressure synthetic Bi2FeMnO6 ceramic sample has a negative magnetization effect. Through the investigation and analysis, it is considered that the magnetic competition mechanism in the sample may be the competition between DM interaction and single ion magneto crystalline anisotropy.

The characteristics of this paper are combined with high temperature and high pressure experimental technique to study the structural phase transition and properties of Bi2FeMnO6ceramic materials under pressure conditions.

Key Words:Multiferroic;Negative magnetization effect;High pressure synthesis;


第1章绪论 1

1.1选题背景概述 1

1.1.1 铋系钙钛矿结构多铁材料研究概述 1

1.1.2多铁材料的负磁化效应 2

1.2高压合成具有负磁化效应的Bi2FeMnO6陶瓷研究意义 3

1.3 本文主要研究内容 4

第2章实验方法与技术路线 5

2.1陶瓷材料的常用合成工艺 5

2.1.1溶胶凝胶法 5

2.1.2固相反应法 5

2.2高温高压材料合成技术概述 6

2.2.1高温高压材料合成技术在材料研究中的意义 6

2.2.2高温高压实验的具体装配 6

2.2.3高温高压烧结的具体步骤 7

2.3晶格结构表征的技术方法 7

2.3.1晶格结构测试:XRD 7

2.3.2形貌结构测试:SEM 8

2.4铁磁性测试方法概述 8

2.4.1磁温曲线测试 9

2.4.2数据分析及作图软件:OriginLab 10

2.5本章小结 10

第3章Bi2FeMnO6陶瓷样品的高压合成 12

3.1固相反应法制备Bi2FeMnO6前驱体粉末 12

3.2高温高压烧结Bi2FeMnO6陶瓷 13

3.3本章小结 13

第4章Bi2FeMnO6样品的结构结构和磁性能分析 14

4.1Bi2FeMnO6样品的晶格结构与形貌测试 14

4.2Bi2FeMnO6样品的磁温曲线测试 15

4.3Bi2FeMnO6样品的负磁化效应机理分析 19

4.4本章小结 21

第5章全文总结 22

参考文献 23

致 谢 24

第1章 绪论

1.1 选题背景概述

1.1.1 铋系钙钛矿结构多铁材料研究概述



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