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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2021-03-14 21:32:01  

摘 要










Syngas mainly consist of carbon monoxide and hydrogen. As a renewable and clean fuel, syngas has been investigated as an alternative fuel of internal combustion engines in recent years. Among them, it is one of the important research directions of the command and reduction of syngas combustion pollution products such as nitrogen oxides. Synthetic gas sources are extensive, different preparation methods will make the syngas component changed. Different components and different flame conditions will have an impact on NOX generation.

This paper mainly studies the regularity of the formation of NOX in syngas premixed flame. Based on Chemkin and the detailed chemical reaction mechanism of GRI3.0, the effects of synthesis gas on the composition of different synthesis gas, different intake temperature and different mixed gas equivalence ratio were studied. NOX formation rules and mechanisms, the results show that:

1) In the case of constant intake temperature, mixed gas equivalence ratio and inlet speed conditions, the greater the proportion of CO in the syngas component, the higher the combustion temperature and the more NOX produced by the combustion.

2) In the case of syngas composition, mixed gas equivalence ratio and inlet speed conditions, the lower the intake air temperature, the greater the combustion temperature is, and the more NOX is produced by combustion.

3) In the case of syngas composition, intake temperature and inlet velocities, When the calculated equivalent gas ratio is 1.0, the combustion temperature is the highest and the amount of NOX is the most; when it is too thick or too thin, its production is reduced.

4) In the case of syngas composition, intake temperature and mixed gas equivalence ratio conditions, the greater the air intake rate, the greater the combustion temperature, the more NOX generated by combustion.

The research of this paper has promoted the understanding of NOX production, which has certain positive significance for reducing the emission of NOX pollutants and contributing to human environmental protection.

Key words: Syngas; Premixed flame; Chemkin; Nitrogen oxides;

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.1 合成气的应用 1

1.1.2 NOX的危害及处理方法 1

1.2 国内外的研究现状 3

1.3 本文研究内容 7

第2章 计算方法 8

2.1 预混火焰物理模型 8

2.2 Chemkin的使用 8

2.3 计算的反应机理 9

2.3 本章小结 9

第3章 结果与分析 11

3.1 火焰结构的分析 11

3.2 合成气组分的影响 12

3.3 合成气进气温度的影响 14

3.4 混合气当量比的影响 17

3.5 进气速度的影响 20

3.6 本章小结 23

第4章 计算结果分析 24

第5章 结论与展望 27

5.1 结论 27

5.2 研究展望 27

参考文献 29

致谢 31

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景

1.1.1 合成气的应用


合成气以一氧化碳和氢气为主要成分,它主要是从含碳化石燃料如煤炭、石油、焦炉煤气等转化得到,还可以通过生物质在气化或热解的条件下获取。合成气得到广泛应用的一个很重要原因就是其获取的便利性以及其价格相比于其他燃料的低廉。与此同时,不同的含碳化石燃料中H/C摩尔比不同,由其所制成的合成气中成分比例也不同,而且通常不能直接满足工业需要,所以通常利用水煤气反应来降低CO的比例,提高H2的比例,如生产甲醇合成气的要求是CO/H2≈0.5或(H2-CO2)/(CO CO2)≈2,用羰基合成法生产醇类时,CO/H2≈1,生产草酸、甲酸、醋酸时则只要CO。

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