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 2021-03-14 21:30:59  

摘 要






With the development of image processing technology and computer vision technology, the research on the detection of skin color area in digital images has become more and more active in recent years. This paper aims to establish a skin color classifier based on Bayesian decision under YCbCr color space, and then obtain the skin color model to study the effect of skin color detection.

In this paper, the status of researches on skin color detection at home and abroad is described, and several color spaces and skin color models involved in skin color detection are briefly introduced. Based on the comparison, YCbCr color space is used to construct the skin color distribution model. Through the skin color samples we collected, skin color histogram and non-skin color histogram can be established respectively. Then based on the histograms, we can take advantage of the Bayesian rule to treat the pixels in the detection picture to determine whether they belong to the skin pixels or not, so as to detect the skin color area.

The experimental results show that the algorithm has better effect on the skin color detection, and the difference between the skin color region and the background region in the detection image is basically realized. Compared with the skin color detection algorithm based on the threshold method and the ellipse model, the detection effect is improved obviously. This paper also studies the effect of skin color detection based on Bayesian decision in different illumination environment, and then puts forward the improvement direction.Through the research in this paper, it has a certain theoretical value and positive significance to the development of skin color detection technology.

Key words: skin color detection; YCbCr color space; histogram; Bayesian decision

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状 1

1.3 本文的研究内容及章节安排 3

第2章 肤色检测技术 4

2.1肤色检测的相关理论 4

2.1.1计算机视觉 4

2.1.2模式识别 4

2.2颜色空间 5

2.2.1颜色及颜色空间的基本概念 5

2.2.2肤色的基本特性 7

2.2.3 RGB颜色空间 7

2.2.4 YUV颜色空间 8

2.2.5 YCbCr颜色空间 9

2.3肤色模型的建立 10

2.3.1阈值化的肤色区域法 11

2.3.2参数化的椭圆模型法 11

2.3.3非参数的直方图法 12

第3章 肤色检测算法设计 14

3.1肤色采样 14

3.2在YCbCr空间下基于Bayes的肤色建模 14

3.3算法设计 15

第4章 肤色检测算法实现与实验结果分析 19

4.1不同算法实验结果分析 19

4.2贝叶斯算法在不同光照下实验结果分析 21

第5章 总结与展望 23

5.1论文工作总结 23

5.2研究工作展望 23

参考文献 24

致谢 25

第1章 绪论



肤色检测(skin color detection)是所有以肤色为基础的应用处理的首要步骤,其根本定义就是在我们需要检测的一幅彩色图像中选取出所有人体皮肤像素的过程。其中,肤色检测技术在人脸的检测识别、根据人脸进行定位追踪、网络中黄色过敏图片的检测过滤、医疗诊断等多个方面发挥着巨大的作用。比如在一些实时性的人脸检测系统中,先进行肤色检测可以预先快速确定一些候选的人脸区域,从而降低了人脸识别检测系统的搜索区域同时也减轻了系统的工作量。除此之外,在人们的日常上网浏览网页过程中,网站经常会自动弹出一些包含色情内容的不良图片,这对于健康积极向上的网络环境造成了危害,同时也会对上网的青少年在身心健康方面的成长形成严重影响,因此肤色检测对于网络中黄色不良图片的检测过滤技术也成为了网络时代的重要研究课题。

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