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 2021-03-13 22:36:51  

摘 要



本文系统采用C/S架构设计,用户能够通过在Android移动终端安装平台的客户端来访问平台。系统的服务端基于Tomcat Eclipse for JavaEE平台结合Servlet技术进行开发,数据库的管理利用MySQL软件进行。系统的客户端采用Eclipse JDK平台,利用Android的SDK进行开发,主要运用了Android的SharedPreferences存储,JSON数据交互,通过Http协议访问网络等技术。最后在Android模拟器及真机上能展现出服务端与客户端良好的交互性,平台能够正常运行。



With the continuous development of mobile terminals and the increasing demand of mobile applications and the continuous expansion of wireless networks, students use mobile terminals to learn to become a very popular way, App as a classroom learning has become the main form of mobile Internet applications. Now, on the Internet has established a number of excellent online learning platform, students can access and learn through the PC side of the course, but rarely migrated to the mobile side. In order to help students better in the mobile side to learn, I made this Android-based online course platform mobile terminal APP design and implementation.

In this paper, combined with the actual situation of the school, designed and implemented a online course APP based on the Android platform. This App is the theme of " Communication principle learning", mainly for the college students in Postgraduate exam, but also for any Communication principlel learning needs of the patriotic people. The platform is mainly for the majority of learners to provide some learning video, learners can view through the video to learn, at the same time, the system also includes news browsing and online testing two functions, can help learners to easily and intuitively understand the principles of communication fundamental and through online testing of the current learning results for testing.

This system uses C / S architecture design, users can through the Android mobile terminal installating the platform to access the platform client. System server developed based on Tomcat Eclipse for JavaEE platform and the Servlet technology, database management using MySQL software. System client using Eclipse JDK platform, the use of Android SDK for development, the main use of the Android SharedPreferences storage, JSON data exchange, through the Http protocol to access the network technology. Finally, in the Android simulator and the real machine can show the server and the client a good interactive, the platform can run properly.

Key Words:online learnning;mobile;Android;C/S


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 课题研究背景、目的和意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国外现状 1

1.2.2 国内现状 2

1.3 课题研究内容与论文结构 2

第2章 平台开发关键技术研究 3

2.1 Android系统架构 3

2.2 客户端开发主要技术 3

2.2.1 SharedPreferences存储 4

2.2.2 使用Http协议访问网络 4

2.2.3 解析XML格式数据和JSON格式数据 5

2.3 服务端开发主要技术 5

2.3.1Tomcat服务器 6

2.3.2 Servlet简介 6

2.3.3 MySQL数据库 7

第3章 平台需求分析 8

3.1 平台目标 8

3.2 需求分析 8

第4章 系统概要设计 9

4.1 系统的架构设计 9

4.2 数据库设计 9

4.2.1 数据库E-R图 9

4.2.2 数据库数据表设计 10

4.3 XML文件设计 11

4.4 服务器设计 12

4.5 客户端设计 13

第5章 平台实现 17

5.1 Android客户端实现 17

5.1.1 实现概述 17

5.1.2 系统主界面实现 17

5.1.3 注册与登录界面实现 18

5.1.4 答题界面实现 19

5.1.5文章与视频界面实现 20

5.2 服务端实现 21

5.2.1实现概述 21

5.2.2Servlet的实现 22

第6章 结论 25

6.1 总结 25

6.2 展望 25

参考文献 26

致谢 27

第1章 绪论


1.1 课题研究背景、目的和意义


根据近些年的智能手机操作系统市场占有率数据显示,Android 在全球范围内占有 67%的份额,而在中国市场中这一数据的值甚至更高[2]。各大移动设备商家纷纷选择 Android 操作系统作为首选的操系统来生产移动端设备,这也促进了基于 Android 系统的各类应用软件得以广泛的设计并实现。 目前,市场上已经出现了一些基于Android 的在线学习系统。 未来,人们的学习、工作和生活都不能离开网络,网络也正在改变人们很多的生活方式和习惯, 本文设计并实现一款基于Android的在线课程平台移动端App,该App可以帮助各高校的本科在校生进行网络课程学习。

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