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 2021-03-13 22:32:58  

摘 要


对车间制造系统资源与物理数据进行了解后,本文首先从实体资源与制造能力两个方面对云制造环境下的车间制造系统的资源特性展开分析,并对其进行本体建模,通过本体建模得到的车间制造系统数字化描述模型反映了车间制造服务系统的本质,为优化制造资源的配置以及提高制造服务的准确性提供了前提。然后对增强现实技术下的车间制造系统中的部分环节以图片的形式模拟,对车间制造系统中的一个零件利用Solidworks软件建立了其三维模型,借助Vuforia AR SDK开发包在Unity下完成了其增强现实数字模型的建立。在车间制造系统中引入增强现实技术可以在产品设计阶段对产品模型进行仿真、分析与评估,在生产制造过程更便捷、形象、准确地指导产品生产,还可以让设备的维护过程变得更便利、直观。




As the workshop manufacturing environment is complex and varied, there will be a lot of redundant data in the manufacturing process,resulting greate difficulties and obstacles in its management.so a comprehensive description modeling of the workshop manufacturing system is very important.

After understanding the resources and physical data of the workshop manufacturing system, this paper first analyzes the resource characteristics of the workshop manufacturing service in the cloud manufacturing environment from the aspects of manufacturing resources and manufacturing capacity, and build the ontology model. The ontology model of the workshop manufacturing system reflects the essence of the workshop manufacturing service system, which provides a prerequisite for optimizing the allocation of manufacturing resources and improving the accuracy of manufacturing services. In this paper, some aspects of the workshop manufacturing system under the AR technology are simulated in the form of pictures. Some of the elements in the workshop manufacturing system, such as those that are about to be processed, are built with Solidworks software. With the help of the Vuforia AR SDK and Unity, its AR model was built.Introducing AR technology in the workshop manufacturing system ,the product model can be simulated, analyzed and evaluated at the product design stage,the manufacturing process is more convenient, imageable and accurate to guide the production of the product, and the maintenance process of the equipment can be made more convenient and intuitive.

Key Words:Workshop manufacturing; Ontology; Augmented Reality(AR); Modeling method

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1课题研究目的与意义 1

1.2国内外研究现状分析 2

1.3本文研究内容与章节安排 3

第2章 车间制造系统本体建模 4

2.1本体建模相关知识介绍 4

2.1.1本体的概念、建模元语及描述语言 4

2.1.2本体构建基本流程 5

2.1.3其他建模方法介绍与分析 6

2.2车间制造系统建模需求与资源特性分类 7

2.2.1车间制造系统建模需求 7

2.2.2车间制造系统资源特性分类 7

2.3车间制造系统本体模型构建 10

2.3.1本体建模工具Protege软件介绍 10

2.3.2车间制造系统本体模型构建原理 11

2.3.3车间制造系统本体模型的实现 12

第3章 车间制造系统增强现实模型的构建 18

3.1增强现实技术及软件开发平台介绍 18

3.1.1增强现实技术概念及原理介绍 18

3.1.2 软件开发平台简介 19

3.2车间制造系统增强现实模型的实现 19

3.2.1零件的三维模型的建立 19

3.2.2车间制造系统增强现实模型的开发及实现 19

第4章 总结与展望 23

参考文献 24

附录1 车间制造系统本体模型整体的OWL Viz结构图 25

附录2 车间制造系统本体模型模型代码 26

致 谢 28

第1章 绪论



前不久,一款智能手机游戏“口袋妖怪Go”(英文名Pokemon Go)风靡全球,这款游戏中用到的核心技术 “增强现实”技术(简称AR),成为全球目光关注的焦点。增强现实技术除了能够在游戏中大放异彩外,同时也在制造业中也有了越来越广泛和深入的应用。在中国国家制造强国建设战略咨询委员会发布的《中国制造2025》重点领域技术路线图中,增强现实技术被列为智能制造核心信息设备领域的关键技术之一,不同于虚拟现实技术,增强现实技术不仅能展示出真实世界的信息,而且能显示虚拟的信息,实现两种信息的互补和叠加,使真实环境和虚拟物体实时的叠加到同一个画面或空间中[2]

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