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 2021-03-08 23:27:24  

摘 要

Abstract 6

第一章 绪论 7

1.1课题研究的背景及目的、意义 7

1.2深度图压缩方案的国内外研究现状 8

1.3本文主要研究内容及组织结构 10

1.3.1本文的研究内容 10

1.3.2本文的组织结构 10

第二章 3D视频编码中深度图压缩的关键技术分析 12

2.1 3D视频编码技术概述 12

2.2 本文深度图压缩框架 14

2.2.1 GBVS显著度的提取 15

2.2.2自适应的四叉树分块 16

2.2.3采样率的映射 16

2.3本章小结 16

第三章 基于图论的显著度的算法研究 17

3.1基于图论的显著度算法(GBVS) 17

3.2激励图的生成 18

3.3激励图的归一化 19

3.4仿真结果分析 20

3.4.1核心代码的实现 20

3.4.2实验结果分析 22

3.5本章小结 23

第四章 一种新的深度图自适应采样算法设计 24

4.1算法思路 24

4.2算法方案步骤与流程 25

4.2.1深度图的自适应分块 25

4.2.2显著度到采样率的映射 26

4.3仿真结果分析 26

4.3.1核心代码的实现 26

4.3.2实验结果分析 29

4.4本章小结 30

第五章基于显著度的深度图自适应采样仿真结果分析 31

5.1实验结果图像分析与对比 31

5.2实验结果数据分析与对比 32

第六章总结与展望 34

6.1全文总结 34

6.2工作展望 35

参考文献 36

致谢 38










Due to the loss of information of standard depth image in compression algorithm, which will lead to edge blur and "sawtooth edge", A new method for depth image down sampling is proposed. The scheme is divided into two steps; The first step is computing the saliency map of color image on certain feature channels. The second step is executing adaptive sampling of depth image combining saliency map. The scheme combine with human fixation information and gives higher sampling rate to the region with higher saliency value. The scheme have advantage so of avoiding edge blur and emerging sawtooth in edge, meanwhile the compression rate is guaranteed.

The major work we have done is described as follow:

1. comparing different algorithm of saliency computing and choose the most suitable one to the proposed scheme. the classical model "Itti amp; Koch" have some weakness such as the saliency value of region drawing more attention is not distinct from others. Therefore, we have explored many algorithms and choose the "GBVS". This algorithm has more advantages in highlighting salient region decreasing the weakness of saliency value in border.

2. comparing the scheme of adaptive sampling and choose the most suitable parameter for the equation. The change of sampling rate will influence the compression rate and the quality of reconstructed image, so we have taken many tests of choosing sampling parameter.

3. contrasting the result of reconstructed image, and comparing different schemes. A complete algorithm needs an overall analysis of experimental results, so we have compared the result from two aspects "the bad pixels rate" "PSNR". "The bad pixels rate "describes the number of bad pixels and "PSNR" indicates the error extent of bad pixels. Through these two standards we can have an overall contrast.

Keywords: saliency map, adaptive sampling of depth image, sampling rate mapping, the bad point rate, Peak Signal to Noise Ratio

第一章 绪论



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