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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 电子信息类 > 通信工程 > 正文


 2021-03-08 23:27:20  

摘 要







  In the optical communication network and equipment, the bit error rate is one of the important indicators to measure the quality of data communication. High-speed and high-capacity optical communication network and equipment has been the mainstream of the development of modern communication system trends, which measure the error rate of communication system error rate tester and the function also put forward higher and higher requirements.

    The current research and development of high-speed error tester is not only expensive and the use of complex, and in the domestic high-speed error test field of research, although some companies have developed a rate of error tester, but also a single test rate , Poor test signal quality and other issues. In this paper, a new test system with higher test speed and wider coverage is developed for the test rate of the error measurement instrument in the domestic market can not meet the requirements of the performance test of the high speed optical communication network and equipment. It can be well generated to the high-speed error test signal, and in the optical communication network and equipment performance testing to get accurate error test results. Therefore, its realization has reform significance and high market value.

    This paper starts from the test principle and working principle of the error test system, and analyzes the error test system.Secondly, through the high-speed bit code signal generation and detection and bit error rate results such as the calculation of high-speed error test system to achieve the technical difficulties and focus, designed four high-speed error test system to achieve the idea, and then made a detailed Of the comparative analysis, and ultimately chose based on the realization of the program. And the design of each system module to do a certain analysis and description.

This paper completes the design of the error test system and verifies its performance through physical debugging. The error test covering the 1.6025Gbps to 11.318Gbps speed rate fully satisfies the performance requirements of the currently tested equipment for the error test system.

Keywords: pattern generator, error test, MFC,serial communication


第1章 绪论 1

1.1国内外研究现状分析 1

1.2课题研究意义和目标 2

1.3论文结构 3

第2章 误码测试仪的软件系统设计 4

2.1软件设计需求 4

2.2设计中的重点与难点问题 5

2.3误码测试系统的方案设计及其分析 6

2.3.1方案选择 6

2.3.2方案分析 10

2.4本章小结 10

第3章 误码测试仪软件模块设计 11

3.1系统软件框架 11

3.2发送端调试 12

3.3接收端调试 12

3.4串口通信 13

3.4.1串口通信基本原理 13

3.4.2串口信号线接法 14

3.4.3通信协议 14

3.5 MSComm控件 16

3.5.1MSComm控件的属性 16

3.5.2MSComm控件的使用 17

3.5.3MSComm控件串口编程 17

3.6系统测试及分析 18

3.7本章小结 20

第4章 总结与展望 21

4.1工作总结 21

4.2未来展望 21

参考文献 22

致谢 24

第1章 绪论



  目前,误码测试仪的产品种类有很多,但国内外存在着较大的差距。在国内,当前主要的误码测试仪更多的是针对千兆以下的速率,不仅误码测试的速率比较低,而且还有速度可选范围较小、误码测试码型种类较少、用于通信接的口较少等诸多缺点。而大部分国外的误码测试产品虽然价格昂贵,但其输出的码型种类较多,速率可调整范围较大,用于通信的接口较多,整体而言性能要强于国内的产品[3]。就国内而言,同样也有一些优秀的产品,比如武汉普塞斯的PSS BERT-F系列40G的高速误码测试仪,中诺远东的 ET10G 误码仪和武汉奥林特光电设备有限公司的10Gbps的多功能误码测试仪等。

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