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论许渊冲对李白诗歌意象的翻译技巧 A Case Study of Image Translation in LiPo's Poetry by Xu Yuanchong开题报告

 2021-02-26 11:18:18  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

In classical Chinese poems, Li Po’s poems not only is one of the most brilliant treasure of it, but also a sparkling pearl in world literary history. Thus, his poems are very important in the value of research and communication. For more than one thousand years, there are many translations about Li Po’s poems, which has been translated into many languages, including Japanese, Russian, English. Among them, only the English version is full of many famous masterpieces. The translation of poems is more complicated and more difficult than the other literary works in translation. It is not only because of the fact that poems can express rich emotions by using short words, but also because of its strong national characteristics. The same image in different national culture however expresses different emotions, which is the crux and difficulty of poems translation. The traditional study of poetic image focuses on the language, emphasizing the structure of poems or the equivalence of prosody. The purpose of this thesis is to study the translation of poetic imagery. Xu Yuanchong, who is a Chinese translation expert, has his own standards and principles to seek beauty that are expressed in his literary translations. In his translation works, which are representative, he pays attention to the rhythm and beauty of poems.
I’m interested in the translation of Li Po’s poems, especially the version of Xu Yuanchong. Having reading a plenty poems, I’m so admire of those poet whose poems with a lot of images, and they are used quite skillfully and perfectly, making the poems self so gorgeous. Li Po is one of the most representative poet among them. Furthermore, I have already read many books about Xu Yuanchong, most of which are the translation of Li Po’s poems. Since the 21st century, an increasing number of scholars have been started to pay attention to Xu’s translation works and his views on translation. While most scholars do research mainly form two aspects: the part of macro and the part of micro. The former mainly work from the perspective of intertextuality, hermeneutics and cross-cultural to research Xu's translation thoughts, while the later mainly adopts a certain comparative theory, comparing Xu Yuanchong with other translators in translation of the same work, or explain Xu’s works with some theories. However, there are few scholars focus on the English translation of Xu Yuanchong in Li Po's poems image expression. So this paper aims at researching the translation of images in Li Po’s poems translated by Xu yuanchong.

2. 研究的基本内容与方案

This thesis will mainly focus on the analysis of the image in the translation of Li Po’s poems translated by Xu. It will be discussed in the following parts. The first part is the introduction of Li po’s poems, the translation history of them and surveys on the study of those translation works. The second part is Xu’s view on the translation on Li po’s poems, coming from three parts: the principle of three beauties, the principle of two transformation and some of his translation works. The third part will talk about the images in Li Po’s poems. There are the statement of images, classification of Li Po’s poetic images and features of Li Po’s poetic images. The next part is the crux of the whole text. It is translation of images in Li Po’s poems by Xu from two aspects: the view of cognitive linguistics and image of reproductive of beauties. Besides, it talks the structure of images in Li Po’s poems. Then, there are three representative examples of images in Li Po’s poems. They are the image of “moon”, the image of “flower” and the translation of farewell poems. The final part is the conclusion of the text.

3. 研究计划与安排

before 28th april : submission of the first draft

before 25th may : revision of the draft

before 29th may: submission of the final version


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

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