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解读《蝇王》中的环境描写 Reading the Environment in Lord of Flies开题报告

 2021-02-25 13:10:29  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

William Golding has been recognized as one of the greatest English writers in the 20th century, whose works often show his deep thoughts of human nature. His masterpiece, Lord of the Flies, though rejected by the publishers at first, was highly praised by many people and later won the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1983. It tells that a group of boys landed on an isolated island in an air crash during a war. The boys tried to make themselves living in the civilized society, yet failed to do so because the violence broke out from their inner sides. They turned the island into the hell. Many western scholars began to study on his works and his life. However, it was not celebrated in China until it was granted the Nobel Prize. More and more critical papers on Lord of the Flies came into being. Though a number of scholars and literary critics have illuminated their views on the novel in different ways, the novel is still worth studying because of its profound themes, different types of characters and unique writing techniques.

Many studies on Lord of the Flies focus on revealing the dark side of human nature or its characters inside the novel. Some even relate it with the development of the British Island novels. Philip mentioned in his Woman and History in the Fiction of William Golding that Golding’s work chooses specific group of male characters to express his views and puts them into the historical background to make the theme profound and connects his writing interest with the Greek myths. Yin Di also emphasized this point in his On the Continuation and the Development of Desert Island , meanwhile he pointed out the significance of the island in Lord of the Flies in presenting the dark side of human beings and compares his land with other lands like that of Robinson Crusoe and The Coral Island . Stones suggested it in his William Golding: A Pessimistic Moralist: A Study of His Novels that the experience that he had once taught in the school and known about young boys greatly influence his work.

However, these reviews and articles are from the perspective of the whole novel or several characters. Scarcely have few people, especially in China, analyzed the theme and the characters from the perspective of the novel’s environment, which is actually important viewpoints to understand the whole novel. With the environmental analysis, the paper can help readers better understand the novel’s theme from different levels and its representative characters in details.

2. 研究的基本内容与方案

This paper focuses on the reading the environment of Lord of the Flies, and the general points are as follows: Firstly, an introduction to the author, William Golding and his Nobel-winning novel, Lord of the Flies. In this part, the literary status and life experience of William Golding and his representative works will be included. Besides, brief introductions to the novel and literature review will also be touched upon. Secondly, the environment of the novel will be divided into natural environment, social environment and psychological environment. These three different environments will be analyzed one by one. The significance of the environment will also be discussed from the perspectives of the deepening of the thematic expression and the characterization. Meanwhile, some comparisons between Lord of the Flies and The Coral Island will be shown as well from the perspective of the environment. Finally, in the conclusion part, the significance of environmental analysis will be presented.

Since there are few reviews on reading Lord of the Flies from the perspective of the environment, this paper will use literary articles and literary reviews about the author and analysis of Lord of the Flies from various aspects as the references.

3. 研究计划与安排

before 20th january : settlement of the title

before20th march: submission of the outline

before 25th april : submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] afaf ahmed hasan, al-saidi. savagery and the heart of darkness in william golding’s lord of the flies;[j].studies in literature and language ,2012,(1): 129-134

[2] boyd,w. man as an island, new york times book review [j] ,2010,(07):10

[3] howard, s babb. the novels of william golding , columbus: ohio state university press, 1970

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