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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 土木工程 > 正文


 2020-07-11 18:08:42  

摘 要

本毕业设计题目为实际工程应用课题。本工程位于江苏省扬州市,为办公楼。实际工程的建筑层数为5层,建筑平面长宽约42m×12m,底层层高4.0m,其它层3.3m。结构形式为3跨框架结构。建筑结构安全等级为二级,设计使用年限为50年;建筑场地类别为Ⅰ类,地基基础设计等级为丙级;抗震设防烈度为7度(基本地震加速度为 0.15 g),设计地震分组为第二组。







This graduation project is a practical engineering application topic. The project is located in Yangzhou, Jiangsu, as an office building. The actual engineering building has 5 storeys, the length of the building is about 42m * 12M, the bottom layer is 4.0m, and the other floor is 3.3m. The structure form is 3 span frame structure. The safety grade of the building structure is two grade and the design service life is 50 years; the construction site category is class I, the foundation design grade is class C, the seismic fortification intensity is 7 degrees (the basic earthquake acceleration is 0.15 g), and the design earthquake is grouped into second groups.

The design is divided into three parts:

The first part is the building part, the total plane design, the building of the plane, facade, profile design. Mainly to solve the building layout and facade design.

The second part is the structural design. By calculating the internal force of the structure under the vertical load of each floor, and the horizontal force is combined with the horizontal force, the most unfavorable internal force of the structural components is obtained by combining the internal forces. Ribs design; the final structure of the independent basis of the design, so that the structure to meet the functional requirements.

The third part is the main technical control index of the design of the building envelope, such as the city where the construction project is located, the climate zone of the city, the building orientation, the energy consumption calculation area of the building, the design requirements of the energy saving level, Coefficient, window area ratio, heat transfer coefficient, shading coefficient, visible light projection ratio, open area ratio, air tightness level and other design indicators, to achieve the main technical control indicators of technical measures, construction practices, node details, etc. To achieve the purpose of building energy conservation.

Key words:Framework;Structural analysis;energy-saving design


第一章 结构选型与布置 1

1.1结构选型 1

1.2 结构布置 1

1.3已知条件 1

第二章 确定计算简图 4

2.1确定计算简图 4

2.2梁柱截面尺寸 5

2.3材料强度等级 5

2.4荷载计算 5

第三章 框架内力计算 17

3.1恒载作用下的框架内力 17

3.2活载作用下的框架内力 26

3.3风荷载作用下的框架内力计算 30

3.4地震作用下横向框架的内力计算 33

第四章 框架内力组合 44

4.1 弯矩调幅 44

4.2 内力组合 45

第五章 框架梁柱截面设计 50

第六章 楼梯结构设计 61

6.1 计算简图 61

6.2梯段板计算 61

第七章 现浇楼面板设计 64

7.1 楼面板示意图 64

7.2 跨中最大弯矩 64

7.3求支座中点最大弯矩 65

7.4 A区格 65

7.5 G区格 66

第八章 基础设计 69

8.1 基本信息 69

8.2荷载计算 69

8.3确定基础底面积 70

8.3基础结构设计 74

第九章 PKPM软件在框架结构设计中的应用 79

致 谢 85

参考文献 86





1.2 结构布置

确定层高、柱网尺寸后,应选择合理的结构平面布置方案,即选择合理的楼盖类型。详见第 7 章。

图 1-1 结构布置图




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