Strategies of the English Translation of Chinese Government Work Report from the Perspective of Functional Equivalence对等功能视角下中国政府工作报告的英译策略分析开题报告
2020-07-02 23:00:01
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
1. Introduction It is well known that most of the political development has actively promoted the development of human society. Economic globalization and cultural diversity have brought about the political and economic exchanges among all countries in the world. As a member of developing countries, translation of Chinese Government Work Report is necessary. The government work report summarizes the work of the past year and arranges the work arrangements for the coming year. It is an vital window for the international community to understand China and obtain information. Therefore, the translation of government work reports plays an important role in the exchange between China and foreign countries.The basic essence of the political essay translation is functional equivalence and accurate information. 1.1Need for the study Functional equivalence theory contributes a lot to the development of translation since it was put forward by Eugene A. Nida. Traditionally, political essays are translated in light of the most popular equivalence theory, which assumes translation as replacement of textual material in one language (source language) by equivalent material in another language (target language). Equivalence-based translation is far form satisfactory mainly for tow seasons. On the one hand, each language has its own unique linguistic features as well as different cultural features such as various cultural backgrounds, thinking patterns, customs and religious. Therefore, there is no absolute equivalence. On the other hand, Government Work Report has its own stylistic characteristics as well as its particular communicative functions, which mean to inform people of important messages. By introducing Nida#8217;s functional equivalence theory and analyzing its feasibility of applying this theory to Government Work Report translation, the quality of the translation will be improved. The readers will have a better understand through the functional equivalence theory. Meanwhile, China can show its achievements of politics, economy and culture to the world. 1.2 Research purpose The present study intends to discuss the English Translation of Chinese Government Report from the perspective of functional equivalence theory. Therefore, the purpose of the study is the application of the Nida#8217;s functional equivalence theory in the translation of Chinese Government Report. Unlike the traditional theories that mainly stress the correspondence between the source language and target language, Nida#8217;s functional equivalence theory emphasizes reader#8217;s response. Nida points out that in order to reach the ideal translation, it#8217;s necessary to find the closest natural equivalence. Nida#8217;s equivalence theory distinguishes itself by shifting the focus of the attention to the relationship between text and reader and by regarding reader#8217;s response as the criterion of translation. His theory greatly enriches translation studies at home and abroad, opening up a new perspective to translation studies. With the development of economy, China is playing an important role in the present world. Due to this, more people need a further knowledge of China, not only culture and history, also political, economic and technological development. The government work report is the primary channel for the fundamental policy of party and the country. Hence, translation of Chinese Government Work Report becomes an important medium for foreigners too know China#8217;s current situation. This paper, as a tentative study of strategies of the English Translation of Chinese Government Work Report on the basis of Nida#8217;s functional equivalence, is expected to be conductive to the translation. The study adopts content analysis to research the English translation of Chinese Government Work Report. Because of the culture and language difference between China and Western countries, we should pay more attention to the specific political vocabulary. 2. Literature review Translation is to achieve the transformation of language in the context of preserving the meaning of the original text. In the words of Nida, a contemporary American translation theorist,In the words of Nida, a contemporary American translation theorist, "translation is to reproduce the information in the original language in the most natural way of reception, first of all, to reproduce meaning and then to style(Nida:2001)."In Nida#8217;s ”functional equivalence”, he expounds the process of translation and develops a methodology of translation studies in the light of the linguistics and the science of communication. He inserts reader#8217;s response into the translator#8217;s consideration. In this way, it is not passively faithful to the source text any more, but balances and decides between original text and the target reader. ”What is more important is the extent to which receptors correctly understand and appreciate the translated(Nida,1993).” Tan Zaixi points out that Nida#8217;s translation theory is the product of practice and proves to be effective in practical translation. He holds the opinion that the people who do the judging tasks are not common people, but the translators, scholars, critics and linguists (Tan Zaixi, 1999:22). 2.1 Theoretical foundations According to Nida's definition, dynamic equivalence in translation is essentially from the traditional free translation or flexible translation . Because the dynamic equivalence of translation output has strict requirements, it requires the Chinese language to reproduce the purpose of the source text as much as possible in different language structures: free translation or flexible translation does not have such a requirement, so the result often becomes an unrestrained free play(Tan Zaixi:1984). Nida#8217;s functional equivalence has been given a high profile for its new perspective on translation. His theory introduces an important new dimension, namely the relationship of the target text receptor to the translated text and the source text readers to the source text. When he discussed the theory of language and translation, Nida pointed out that the communicative functions of language mainly include the following nine aspects: (1)Expressive function, the function of the language used by the author or the speaker in his self expression (2)Cognitive function, the function of thinking in language. (3)Interpersonal function, the function of establishing interpersonal relationship, negotiating and identifying. (4)Informative function, the function of message delivering. (5)Imperative function, the function of human behavior influenced by language which leading to new actions. (6)Performative function, which means the change of the condition through language. (7)Emotive function, (8)Aesthetic function. For example, the use of rhetorical devices can make language beautiful. (9)metalingual function. It means language can be used to talk about itself. References [1] Nida, Eugene, A. 1993. Language,Culture and Translating[M]. 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2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
2.1 Research Questions The present study investigates the English translation of the Chinese Government Work Report from the functional equivalence. The specific research questions is as follow: How to achieve the functional equivalence in the translation of the Government Work Report? 2.2 Data Collection The paper researches the C-E translation of the Chinese Government Work Report. The vocabulary and discourse are both from the Chinese Government Work Report in 2017.
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