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毕业论文网 > 任务书 > 材料类 > 金属材料工程 > 正文


 2020-06-27 19:36:01  

1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求





2. 参考文献

[1]Inoue A. Stabilization of metallic supercooled liquid and bulk amorphous alloys [J]. Acta Mater., 2000, 48(1):279-306. [2]Wang W H, Dong C, Shek C H. Bulk metallic glasses[J]. Mater. Sci. Eng. R, 2004, 44: 45-89. [3]Kumar G, Tang H X, Schroers J. Nanomoulding with amorphous metals[J]. Nature, 2009, 457: 868-872. [4]Wen D D, Peng P, Jiang Y Q , Liu R S. On the heredity and evolution of icosahedral clusters during the rapid solidification of liquid Cu50Zr50 alloys[J]. J. Non. Crystal Sol., 2013, 378: 61-70. [5]Wen D D, Peng P, Jiang Y Q , Liu R S, Dong K J. The effect of cooling rates on hereditary characteristics of icosahedral clusters in rapid solidi fication of liquid Cu56Zr44 alloys[J]. J. Non. Crystal Sol., 388 (2014) 75-85. [6]樊康旗, 贾建援. 经典分子动力学模拟的主要技术[J]. 微纳电子技术, 2005, 3:133-138. [7]刘桂勇, 刘军. 材料科学中的分子动力学模拟[J]. 材料导报, 2005, 19:214-216. [8]惠希东, 陈国良. 块体非晶合金[M].北京: 化学工业出版社, 2007. [9]Allen M P, Tildesley D J. Computer simulation of liquids[M]. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1987. [10]Honeycutt J D, Andersen H C. Molecular dynamics study of melting and freezing of small Lennard-Jones clusters[J]. J. Phys. Chem., 1987, 91(19): 4950-4963. [11]J L Finney. Random packings and the structure of simple liquids. I. The geometry of random close packing[J]. Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. A, 1970, 319(1539): 479-493. [12]Sheng H W, Luo W K, Alamgir F M, Bai J M, Ma E. Atomic packing and short-to- medium-range order in metallic glasses[J]. Nature, 2006, 439: 419-425. [13]黄胜涛. 非晶态材料的结构和结构分析[M]. 北京: 科学出版社, 1987. [14]文玉华, 朱如曾, 周富信, 王崇愚. 分子动力学模拟的主要技术[J]. 力学进展, 2003, 33(1): 65-73. [15]Verlet L. Computer experiments on classical fluids. I. Thermodynamical properties of Lennard-Jones molecules[J]. Phys. Rev., 1967, 159(1): 98-103. [16]Nose S. A unified formulation of the constant temperature molecular dynamics methods[J]. J. Chem. Phys., 1984, 81(1): 5-11. [17]陈舜麟. 计算材料科学[M]. 北京: 化学工业出版社, 2005 [18]陈国良, 姚可夫, 寇宏超, 惠希东. 非经典结晶理论和液态多组元化学短程序问题. 自然科学进展[J], 2003, 13(10):1022-1030. [19]Hui X, Fang H Z, Chen G L, Shang S L, Wang Y, Qin J Y, Liu Z K. Atomic structure of Zr41Ti14Cu12.5Ni10Be22.5 bulk metallic glass alloy[J]. Acta Mater., 2009, 57(2): 376-391. [20]Mendelev M I, Schmalian J, Wang C Z, Morris J R, Ho K M. Interface mobility and the liquid-glass transition in a one-component system described by an embedded atom method potential[J]. Phys. Rev. B, 2006, 74(10): 104206.

3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排

起讫日期 设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 2017.12.22-2018.3.1 查阅文献,完成外文翻译,完成开题报告; 2018.3.2-2018.3.22 制定研究方案,了解分子动力学的基本计算方法,并完成液态合金模型的建立; 2018.3.23-2018.4.26 完成冷却速率对Cu15Zr85室温结构的影响及冷却速率对玻璃转变温度的影响以及晶化过程无序到有序的转变; 2018.4.29-2018.5.5 撰写中期报告 参加中期检查答辩; 2018.5.6-2018.5.25 完成Cu15Zr85非晶形成过程中的结构演化和非晶合金中/短程有序结构和堆垛机制; 2018.5.26-2018.6.13 整理数据,撰写论文,准备答辩, 参加毕业论文答辩。

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