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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 工程管理 > 正文


 2020-06-22 22:57:51  

摘 要



关键词:吾悦广场 商业地产项目 营销策划

Nanjing Injoy square real estate project marketing plan


In 2016, China's commercial real estate as a whole entered a period of shock adjustment, commercial real estate entered the stock era from the incremental era, and the improvement of operating capacity and profit level became the strategic focus. The development of the light assets model of local development brand export to the two or three tier cities is expected to bring the upgrading of lifestyle to these cities. Under this trend, the development of popular brands represented by fast fashion has slowed down, and the strong growth of luxury brands has brought new vitality to the brand market. Under the formal layout of the electricity supplier enterprises, there will be great reconciliation and integration under the online and offline businesses. The new technology has been ready to be developed and is subverting people's lifestyle and consumption habits. With the intensification of competition in the stock era, the demand for the differentiation of shopping centers is increasingly urgent, while the structural weak brand market has not accumulated a good strength to give the shopping center a sufficient choice. The replacement of traditional brands and formats is difficult to be stereotypes, and the content operation of the place has become the key to the difference. This project is located in the core area of Jiangdong Business District of Nanjing. The design uses market segmentation, target market, market positioning and "4P" marketing theory. Through the investigation and analysis of the commercial market environment in Nanjing, the surrounding area market environment and the competition status of the project, this project has a clear understanding of the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and threats of the project. Then we subdivide the different conditions of the consumers, choose the target market, and determine the market position of the project on the basis of the investigation and analysis of the target market. According to the investigation and analysis, we formulate the marketing strategy of this project.

Key words: Injoy square, Commercial real estate project, marketing planning


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 概述 1

1.1项目概况 1

1.1.1项目名称 1

1.1.2项目地块情况 1

1.1.3项目建设单位 3

1.1.4开发项目主要建设内容 3

1.1.5项目合作的有关单位 3

1.1.6项目建设的自然条件 4

1.1.7市政基础设施条件 4

1.2项目提出的背景 4

1.3营销策划的主要依据 5

1.4营销策划的工作步骤 5

第二章 市场调查与分析 1

2.1城市规划分析 1

2.1.1南京商业布局 1

2.1.2各业态发展态势 3

2.1.3南京各重点商圈商业项目汇总 4

2.1.4主要业态整体运营情况 7

2.1.5主要竞争项目分布竞争项目概况 8

2.1.6本项目环境评价 14

2.1.7项目SWOT分析 15

2.2消费者基本情况调查与分析 16

2.3消费者需求特征调查与分析 18

2.4潜在入驻商户需求特征调查与分析 20

第三章 市场细分与目标市场的选择 26

3.1市场细分 26

3.1.1市场细分概述 26

3.1.2细分市场的确定 27

3.2目标用户定位(C端) 27

3.3目标入驻商家定位(B端) 29

第四章 房地产产品定位 32

4.1产品定位的原则(业态规划的基本原则) 32

4.2整体定位 32

4.3功能定位 35

4.4业态规划 35

4.4.1项目周边商业饱和分析 35

4.4.2相关主題的论证与排除 35

4.4.3各业态关系 36

4.4.4主力店分析 37

4.4.5次主力店分析(含特色商家) 39

4.4.6业态组合差异化分析 41

4.5规划方案 41

4.5.1整体配比 41

4.5.2各业态规划 44

第五章 房地产产品营销推广策略 46

5.1营销推广策略 46

5.1.1广告推广 46

5.1.2活动推广 49

5.1.3人员推广 50

5.2渠道策略 51

5.3市场推广计划 53

5.3.1预热期 53

5.3.2开盘期 55

5.3.3全年营销策划 55

第六章 招商工作及运营服务 58

6.1招商工作 58

6.1.1招商基本要求 58

6.1.2招商工作流程及规范 58

6.1.3招商问题的解决及管控 60

6.2运营管理 61

参考文献 64

附录 65

附录1:南京建邺吾悦广场周边市民调查问卷 65

附录2:南京建邺吾悦广场千人万铺大调查 75

第一章 概述








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