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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 理工学类 > 能源与动力工程 > 正文


 2020-06-20 18:55:05  

摘 要





关键词: 烟气加热, 低温腐蚀, 管壳式换热器

Design of 150 MW Nm³ / h Wet Desulfurization

Flue Gas Heater


The survival of mankind and the development of society can not be separated from energy. With the industrial production social change, energy development and use and resource conservation are becoming more and more important. Fossil fuels and other energy sources of pollution has become an important issue we need to face, how to reduce the industrial development of pollutants on the environment damage will be we have been studying and overcome the problem.

All along, the smoke produced by industrial production is an important factor affecting our ecological environment and air quality. With China's resource-saving, environment-friendly society, environmental protection-related supervision, industrial emissions are also facing new challenges and innovation. Industrial flue gas desulfurization and denitrification to reduce the sulfide and nitrification, and then by heating to reduce the low temperature corrosion caused by flue gas emissions (low temperature corrosion of flue gas is lower than the dew point temperature, and the resulting flue, Fan, chimney corrosion.) And at the same time enhance the lifting height of flue gas. The lifting height of the flue gas can avoid the danger caused by the high concentration of sulfur dioxide in the local area around the chimney. The external fresh gas is filtered, purified and heat exchanged into the room, and the indoor polluted harmful gas is exchanged for heat After the treatment out of the outdoor, and the indoor temperature is basically not affected by the new wind of a highly efficient energy-saving, environmentally friendly high-tech products. The design of the "150,000 Nm3 / h wet desulfurization flue gas heater design" is based on this realistic background, the design of a shell and tube flue gas heater, with superheated steam to heat the flue gas to meet the emission requirements The temperature after the discharge.

The shell-and-tube flue gas heater is in the form of a monolithic structure for ease of transport and installation. The superheated steam flows in the pipe and is cooled to saturated water during the heat transfer process. Flue gas walking shell, horizontal arrangement, and the direction of the flow of superheated steam into a counter-current arrangement. It can effectively avoid the low temperature dew point corrosion of flue gas, the fluid flow resistance is small, compact structure, flue gas side and air side can effectively apply the enhanced heat transfer measures, the heat transfer element can be replaced, the maintenance cost is low and so on a series of advantages.

In the design process, heat transfer and steam flow are calculated according to the heat balance equation, the inlet and outlet temperature of the flue gas, the flow rate and the inlet temperature of the steam. And then by selecting the heat transfer tube specifications and its structural parameters, calculate the total heat transfer coefficient. Finally determine the number of heat pipes and their arrangement. In the flue gas and steam flow pressure drop and other indicators to meet the design under the premise of the structural design, designed the shell and tube flue gas heater construction and the main map of the main parts. During the structural design process, the heat transfer tubes are designed in a vertical manner by means of the relevant sealing means for the middle of the flue gas and steam. The design process at the same time on the device within the pressure drop, strength and other aspects were considered.

Key words: flue gas heating, low temperature corrosion, shell and tube heat exchanger


摘要 I

Abstract II

目录 V

第一章 绪论 1

1.1项目背景 1

1.2国内外烟气施法脱硫烟气加热器和防腐研究状况 1

1.3湿法脱硫烟气加热器的发展前景 4

1.4总结 5

第二章 本课题要研究或解决的问题和拟采用的研究手段 6

2.1 烟气携带机械水 6

2.2 低温段烟气携带泥浆 6

2.3 烟气中的稀硫酸对管子的腐蚀 6

第三章 15万Nm3/h 湿法脱硫烟气加热器的热力计算 7

3.1 已知参数及总热量计算 7

3.2 过热段传热管计算与设计 9

3.2.1传热管尺寸及烟气热物性质 9

3.2.2传热管布置及管排数计算 10

3.2.3传热管压力降计算 12

3.3 中间段传热管计算与设计 13

3.3.1传热管尺寸及烟气热物性质 13

3.3.2传热管布置及管排数计算 13

3.3.3传热管压力降计算 16

3.4 冷凝段传热管计算与设计 17

3.4.1传热管尺寸及烟气热物性质 17

3.4.2传热管布置及管排数计算 17

3.4.3传热管压力降计算 19

3.5 换热管布置及压力降校核汇总 19

第四章 总结与展望 23

4.1 总结 23

4.2 展望 23

参考文献 25

致 谢 27

第一章 绪论


随着社会的发展和“节能减排”意识逐渐深入全社会人心,工业排放控制方面相关技术也面临着重大革新。现在的烟气脱硫技术越来越被重视,这其中的意义重大,尽早地着手研究烟气脱硫有重大的经济效益。如今的时代瞬息万变,科研速度也是前所未有的快,越来越多的工业烟气处理手段呈现在大众的眼前,其中的产品涉及面也越来越广。本文的核心湿法脱硫烟气加热器同样是一个在不断蜕变的产物,积极的迎合社会,凭借其强大的、得天独厚的优势正朝我们席卷而来。越来越多的人意识到工业排放的影响,能源行业,特别是所谓的新能源行业情势一片大好,能源风潮正在席卷这个社会,甚至是地球 [1]。在研究烟气加热器的时候还要着手解决烟气中稀硫酸对金属管壁的腐蚀作用,在选择材料的时候金属的防腐性也会作为选择的重要标准。金属材料的防腐性满足之后,再考虑其经济性,彻底贯彻落实节能减排。追根溯源,眼前的问题的原罪是大量化石燃料的使用,我国作为世界上最大的化石能源消费国应当未雨绸缪,在解决眼前问题的同时也要尽早地研究开发新能源才是长久之计。从PM2.5开始,空气质量已经成为全民关注的焦点,这不仅与民生息息相关同时也事关人类长久生存的环境问题。关于生态环保方面的常识不用多说,如果从经济角度考虑,节能减排的推广要比治理污染环境的代价小得多。我们应当把更多财力、精力集中在绿色生产当中,这才是明智之举。现阶段的科学技术的发展水平既然不能完全避免化石燃料的使用,那么我们就该从另一端着手,减小化石燃料使用的排放或者降低排放中的有害物。落实到每个人的身上就应当在日常生活中节约使用能源,绿色出行减少车辆的过度使用,减少对高污染生产出来的商品的购买。在工业排放方面根据不同的要求对其排放进行处理,这虽然增加了工业生产的成本,但其为生态做出的价值则是更加宝贵的。对烟气进行加热而达到节能减排目的的工艺也越来越多的应用在实际生产中,这意味着对本课题的研究是非常具有现实意义的。




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