2020-06-19 21:46:02
摘 要
实验结果表明:在Ca2 浓度为1500 mg/L,溶液pH为7,温度为70 °C的条件下,投加量为6 mg/L时阻垢率最高;自制阻垢剂适用水体条件为:水温80 °C以下,pH值范围 5~9,钙离子浓度在2700 mg/L以下的水体系;本实验过程中制备的超支化聚合物对成垢晶体生长的阻碍作用效果远远优于市场上大部分销售的阻垢剂,仅仅略低于PASP,这个结果表明自制的阻垢剂超支化聚合物在钙质盐垢中具有很好的应用前景。
Study on Scale Inhibition Performance of Carboxyl Terminated Network Hyperbranched Polymer
In industrial production, the cooling water will continue to be recycled, due to the evaporation of some water will increase the concentration of inorganic salts, resulting in equipment and pipeline fouling. the phosphorus scale scale inhibitor is difficult to degrade and pollute; the polycarboxylate scale inhibitor has low scale inhibition rate and the formation of flocculent calcium gel; the natural scale inhibitor has poor stability and large dosage. In this paper, the advantages of three-dimensional structure of hyperbranched polymer were introduced to prepare a new scale inhibitor with high efficiency and suitable for high temperature and high concentration system. The effect of different conditions on the scale inhibition of new scale inhibitor was studied.
In this paper, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffraction analysis were used to characterize laboratory self-made scale inhibitors and observe their performance changes.
The results showed that the scale inhibition rate was the highest when the dosage of Ca2 was 1500 mg / L, the pH value was 7 and the temperature was 70 °C, and the scale condition was 6 mg / L. Water temperature below 80 °C, pH range of 5 to 9, calcium ion concentration of 2700 mg / L below the water system; The effect of the hyperbranched polymer prepared on the growth of the crystals was much better than that of the commercially available scale inhibitors, which was only slightly lower than that of PASP, The results showed that the self-made scale inhibitor hyperbranched It has a good application prospect in calcareous salt scale.
In the course of the experiment, it can be concluded by the analysis of the results of scanning electron microscopy, With the addition of scale inhibitor, the scale of the scale crystals becomes soft and easy to break; In observing the diffraction spectrum of X-ray diffraction, we can conclude that when the hyperbranched polymer is added, the crystallization rate of the crystalline calcium carbonate is slowed down and the crystal is inhibited by the scale inhibitor during the crystallization process, Lattice distortion occurs. Therefore, the laboratory self-made scale inhibitor can achieve scale inhibition of calcium sulfate, the scale performance can meet the experimental requirements.
Keywords: hyperbranched polymer; calcium sulfate; new scale inhibitor
目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 文献综述 1
1.1结垢机理 1
1.1.1结晶垢形成的热力学原理 1
1.1.2影响结垢的宏观因素 1
1.2阻垢方法 2
1.3阻垢剂的阻垢机理 2
1.3.1螯合增溶作用 3
1.3.2晶格畸变作用 3
1.3.3凝聚分散作用 3
1.3.4再生-自解脱膜假说 3
1.4阻垢剂研究进展 4
1.4.1天然高分子 4
1.4.2人工合成阻垢剂 4
1.5超支化聚合物 4
1.5.1超支化聚合物在阻垢方面的优势 4
1.5.2超支化阻垢剂的研究进展 5
1.6课题提出和研究内容 6
第二章 实验材料及方法 7
2.1实验试剂及仪器 7
2.1.1实验试剂 7
2.1.2实验仪器 7
2.2实验方法 7
2.3表征方法 8
2.3.1阻垢剂固含量测定 8
2.3.2垢样的SEM表征 8
2.3.3垢样的XRD表征 9
第三章 阻垢性能测试及阻垢机理分析 10
3.1端羧基超支化聚合物阻垢性能 10
3.1.1投加量的影响 10
3.1.2 钙离子浓度的影响 11
3.1.3水体pH的影响 11
3.1.4水体温度的影响 12
3.1.5实验室自制阻垢剂与商业阻垢剂对比 13
3.2硫酸钙垢的SEM分析 14
3.3硫酸钙垢的XRD分析 16
第四章 结 论 17
参 考 文 献 18
致 谢 19
第一章 文献综述
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