2020-06-16 06:49:59
摘 要
Design of a treatment plant for 50 thousand ton/day printing and dyeing wastewater
Dyeing wastewater treatment is a kind of industrial wastewater which is difficult to be treated in the kind of waste water treatment. Since the modern times, China has started the large-scale printing and dyeing textile industry. Today, it still belongs to the textile printing and dyeing industry. However, there are serious pollution to the land rivers in many places , The printing and dyeing wastewater treatment plant can solve these from the printing and dyeing plant discharged from the environmental pollution, improve production efficiency while achieving the sustainable development of man and nature, in line with modern development laws and production concepts.
The design of the actual printing and dyeing wastewater, for example, 50,000 tons per day of printing and dyeing wastewater treatment plant design, the completion of the process selection, equipment and building calculation and other related work, through the treatment of printing and dyeing wastewater to reduce the sewage CODcr, BOD5, TN, SS, TP and pH and other indicators, so that it reaches the printing and dyeing wastewater treatment of national standards.
Keywords: printing and dyeing wastewater; wastewater treatment; plant design
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 概述 1
1.1项目概况 1
1.2工程规范及设计标准 1
1.3设计原则 1
1.4设计范围 2
第二章 设计内容 4
2.1设计规模 4
2.2进出水水质水量 4
第三章 工艺流程的选择 6
3.1工艺选择原则及要求 6
3.2主要污染物的去除分析 6
3.3处理方案比选 6
3.2.1传统活性污泥法 6
3.3.2A2/O 工艺 7
3.2.3氧化沟工艺 7
3.3工艺流程的确定 9
第四章 工程设计 12
4.1工艺流程 12
4.2工艺流程参数设计 12
4.2.1格栅 12
4.2.2提升泵 13
4.2.3曝气沉砂池 13
4.2.4泵房 14
4.2.5调节池 14
4.2.6水解酸化池 14
4.2.7生物接触氧化池 15
4.2.8二沉池 15
4.2.9消毒池 16
4.2.10污泥浓缩池 17
4.2.11附属构筑物 17
4.3主要构筑物及厂房设备表 17
第五章 公用设施设计 20
5.1印染废水处理厂总平面布置 20
5.2平面布置的一般原则 20
5.3工厂定员、分间面积的计算 20
5.3.1印染厂定员工作制度 20
5.3.2定员计算的目的 20
5.3.3全场人员比例 21
5.5主厂房和车间附房设计 21
第六章 结论与展望 22
参考文献 23
致谢 25
第一章 概述