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毕业论文网 > 开题报告 > 文学教育类 > 英语 > 正文

法律英语中同义词的特征研究——以《联合国安全理事会决议》(2018)为例Research on the Characteristics of Synonyms in Legal English :the Case Study of United Nations Security Council (2018)开题报告

 2020-02-18 18:35:23  

1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述)

legal english is apractical interdisciplinary subject combining legal science and englishlinguistics, and an important branch of esp(englishfor specific purpose), with its uniqueform of formation. the use of synonyms is an important feature of legalenglish. synonyms refer to a word or an expression that has the same or nearly thesame meaning as another in the same language, which play different roles inlegal documents. on the one hand, to express accurately, on the other hand, toemphasize a certain meaning.

the resolution of united nations security council is aninternational legal document updated in real time. the interpretation of thedocument is conducive to the learning of legal english in the new era and topromoting the world's understanding of the current international situation. therapid development of china's economy is inseparable from the construction ofthe legal system. this paper aims to study the characteristics of the use ofsynonyms in the 2018 united nations security council resolutions, providereferences for the study of legal english characteristics, promote theconstruction of china's legal system in foreign learning, and catch up with thepace of western legal research in the process of globalization.

at the end of the qingdynasty, the chinese legal system gradually collapsed, and china began to learnfrom the western legal system. in recent years, with the continuous promotionof the strategy of rule of law and the deepening of the thinking of rule oflaw, the national awareness of the rule of law has been constantly strengthened,and the frequency of china's legal exchanges with foreign countries has beenincreasing. the interpretation of international legal documents is of greatsignificance to the development of china's law and society. legal languagerequires accuracy, preciseness and conciseness. among them, synonyms arefrequently used in legal english, so it is of great significance to study theuse of synonyms in legal english. the use of synonyms is usually to preventambiguity, to clarify the accuracy of legal language, and to reflect the linguisticdifferences between legal and common styles. at present, there are a few booksand articles about and studying the characteristics of legal english vocabularyat home and abroad, and their analysis is not complete and specific enough.


2. 研究的基本内容与方案

Thispaper takes the Resolution of the United Nations Security Council as the objectto study and tries to analyze and summarize its synonym selectioncharacteristics and using intentions. The analysis of synonyms is carried outfrom different uses, and discussed by classification, in order to find outtheir usage rules and provide reference for legal English learners. In thispaper, archival research, interdisciplinary research, quantitative research andexperience summarization are used. Archival research method refers to themethod of obtaining information through literature according to the necessaryresearch topic so as to comprehensively and correctly master the researchtopic. Interdisciplinary research method refers to the systematic use ofinterdisciplinary knowledge for the integration of new knowledge, so as to forma unified whole. Quantitative research method refers to the research on therelationship between the number and scope of research objects in order to findtheir mutual relations and change rules. Experience summarizing method is tosummarize the fragmentary research facts and make them systematized andtheorized so as to promote them. In this paper, the above methods will be utilizedto a comprehensive analysis. On the basis of archival research, linguisticknowledge and legal knowledge will be integrated to investigate the use ofsynonyms in legal English, so as to summarize the use of synonyms in legalEnglish and the law.

3. 研究计划与安排

before 20th january : settlement ofthe title

before20th march: submissionof the outline

before 25th april : submission of the first draft


4. 参考文献(12篇以上)

[1] emelyanovat v. peculiarities of teaching legal english in multinational groups ☆[j].procedia - social and behavioral sciences, 2017,237:1494-1499.

[2] gubby,university h e, rotterdam. practical legal english: legal terminology[j].

[3] gubbyh. practical legal english: legal terminology[m]. 2013.

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