The Interpersonal Function Appraisal in Trumps 2016 Presidential Campaign Victory Speech 特朗普2016年胜选演讲的人际意义功能评价开题报告
2020-06-08 21:15:46
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
1. introduction 1.1background of the study political speech is an important functional variety with worldwide influence and long-lasting significance and attracts many researchers attention from different perspectives. the audience of political speech is no longer the people in the country of the speaker, but also people from other parts of the world. political figures always impress the public by carefully pondering their words and employing communicative strategies in their speeches. hence political speech reveals speaking skills of a speaker, more significantly it reflects a speaker#8217;s attitude towards the audience. power is the most important feature of political speech. a speaker usually makes use of various skills to present himself as authority and imposes power on his audience. in order to gain the trust and support from his audience, a speaker also needs to establish good connections with the audience. it is usually accepted that m.a.k. halliday#8217;s systemic functional grammar is one of the most effective guiding theory to conduct discourse analysis. especially the interpersonal function is very popular and practical for analyzing speeches. the analysis of trump#8217;s victory speech from the angle of the interpersonal function has both theoretical and practical significance. the theoretical meaning of this thesis lies in that it enriches and improves the theory and application of the interpersonal function, such as the redefinition of modality. meanwhile, the interpersonal function has been proved to be a powerful tool to analyze discourse once again. it also has practical meaning. on one hand, as this thesis makes a comprehensive and systematic analysis on trump#8217;s victory speech, which helps people to have a better understanding and appreciating of political speeches. on the other hand, as trump#8217;s political speech belongs to the formal writing and it is written and revised by a great number of political experts. the choice of words is very exquisite and cultured. thus, its stylistic features are worth researching. the perfect adoption of the interpersonal function sets a good example for them. in the light of halliday#8217;s theory of interpersonal function, this thesis is going to take trump#8217;s 2016 presidential campaign victory speech as the sample text to analyze how interpersonal function is generally realized in english political speeches. 1.2 research purpose this thesis aims to explore the linguistic features influencing the interpersonal meaning and to reveal how interpersonal meanings are realized in trump#8217;s 2016 presidential campaign victory speech. it is proved that halliday#8217;s interpersonal function is effective to analyze the social meaning discourse. so this research employs interpersonal function including mood, modality, and person system to find out by what means trump is able to control his language so as to transmit his attitudes and standpoints to his listeners and achieves his political purposes. the study of political speeches has been proved to be meaningful. different perspectives are adopted to analyze the text. this thesis provides another angle -- the interpersonal function, which is a better way to understanding the social meaning of language. moreover, practically, this analysis can help students get a better understanding of political speeches and benefit the teaching of public speeches in some way. 2.literature review 2.1 on interpersonal function language is human specific, used to communicate with each other. and, generally speaking, language functions to establish and maintain relations, to express a speaker#8217;s points of views, and to influence the audience#8217; viewpoints and behaviors. to some degree, it concerns the interpersonal function. in terms of the notions or definitions of interpersonal function, many linguists practically share the same understandings regardless of different emphasis. an original understanding on interpersonal meaning has been concluded by philosophical hermeneutists as the language function of establishing communicative relations with people. the concept of ”phatic communion”, which means the language of establishing and maintaining the social relation, was first used by malinoski (1923) based on the study on a communication action of the natives on trobriand island. it is bakhtin who first proposed interpersonal meaning. he claims that not only is meaning connected with the word itself or the soul of the speaker or the listener, it also lies in the interaction between the speaker and the listener, which is produced via the material of a particular sound complex (cook, 1992). eggins (1994) argues that interpersonal meaning is the meaning about both roles and relationship, which is shown by status, contact, intimacy and sharedness between the two who are interacting, namely, the interactants. different from mallinoski (1923) and other scholars, halliday (1978), from a systemic functional grammatical perspective, holds that language is the means for speakers to get involved into the event of speech: ”the expression of his comment, his attitudes and evaluations, and also the relationship that he sets up between himself and the listener, in particular the communication role that he adopts of questioning, informing, greeting, persuading and the like”. that#8217;s to say, the speaker#8217;s aims and meanings are communicated through the expression of his comments, his attitudes, his evaluations, and of the relationship between the hearers and himself, especially, the communication role he plays, of informing, questioning, encouraging, persuading, and so on. so far, many studies on the interpersonal aspect of language have been conducted and many relevant works have been produced. 2.2 on political speeches lucas (1989) defines an english political speech to be one that the speaker makes in english to an audience on some significant matters and relationships all over the world. this kind of speech is usually made in the name of a certain class, society or party. in a sense, ”political speech” is called ”political language”. the term ”political language” is initially introduced by forerunners of both publicity research and the social sciences. paul chilton (2004) holds that politics is a combat of power between those who pursue it and who repel it. to a certain extent, the language of politics is the language of power. political speech on foreign relations between two countries is a typical type of english public speech. and speech of the kind is a communicative event with specific purposes. a political speech mainly aims to explicate, convince and persuade the hearers that what the speaker is declaring and intending to do is the best for them, so as to get their trust and support. the essential element of political speech is power. during the speech, the speaker may intensify his authority and impose power on the hearers. when it comes to the function of political speech, landtsheer (1998) indicates that ”language in politics can diminish the ambiguities and contractions, abstract features of political concepts and strategies, to the degree that language serves as an important device of power, a weapon for winning political office, a instrument for influencing society and a weapon for mobilizing the public support” (landtsheer, 1998:196). moreover, political speech, as a political practice, is more like a gamble in power struggle in some extent: discourse practice takes advantage of conventions which naturalize specific power relations and ideologies, and these conventions themselves, and how they are expressed, are the nuclear of the power struggle. the speeches given by different political figures vary noticeably in length and style, but their political purposes are largely identical. with the intention of giving an effective speech, the speaker may take advantage of different tools during the speech, verbal or non-verbal. it#8217;s not hard to see that language skills take the lead in performing this function. with language, the speaker succeeds in attracting the hearers#8217; attention and conning the hearers into believing his message. in this way, the speaker creates a harmonious relationship with the hearers and imposes his power on the hearers concurrently. among these language skills, mood and modality are the basic means for realizing interpersonal function. donald trump#8217;s victory speech proves the case. 2.3 previous studies on political speeches many scholars have studied political speeches from diverse perspectives, such as the rhetorical perspective, the perspective of linguistics and the social-psychological perspective. a review of such studies on political speeches is as follows: a long history has been found in the study on political speeches conducted in perspective of rhetoric. chilton and schaffner (1997) accentuate that rhetoric is kind of an art of verbal persuasion. in ancient greece and roma, the study on rhetoric was regarded as a type of political science, with such great scholars as socrates, plato and aristotle making good contributions to such kind of studies. now it is very popular to encounter the study on political speech from the perspective of rhetoric. and prevalent analysis of martin luther king#8217;s i have a dream and the gettysbur#8217;s address are good cases in point. discourse analysis as approach to the study of political speech appears when linguists treat speech of the kind as a sort of political discourse. chilton and schaffner (1997) turn to the study of historical specificities of particular countries and cultures, based on which three broad kinds of political analysis (french approach, german approach and anglophone approach) have been summed up. besides, other scholars take into account a large number of political speeches, such as those given by mikhail gorbachev, bill clinton, newt gingrich and some canadian political leaders. these speeches are involved in different fields, such as foreign affairs, domestic policy and human interest in terms of people#8217;s information processing complexity. apparently, all those above-mentioned reveal the importance of study of political speeches from linguistic perspective. the study of political speeches from stylistic perspective should not be ignored, either. structuralism approaches are essential to much work on traditional stylistics. naturally, the style of political speeches is analyzed from the perspective of the stylistic approach by many researchers, who aim at examining the stylistic features on three levels (the level of phonology and graphology, the level of lexicon and the level of syntactic structure) by classifying the stylistic studies. in fact, these studies are of help to our own studies concerned. as above-mentioned, this thesis focuses on the analysis of the realization of interpersonal function in the political speech delivered by donald trump, the 45th president of the united states. and this analysis will be based on the theory of halliday#8217;s systemic functional grammar. references chen, w. q. 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ding, y. r. [丁言仁], 2000, 语篇分析. 南京:南京师范大学出版社。
halliday, m. a. k. (1978). language as social semiotic: the social interpretation of language and meaning. london: edward arnold published limited. halliday, m. a. k. (1994). an introduction to functional grammar. london: edward arnold published limited. huang, g. w. [黄国文], 2001, 语篇分析的理论与实践. 上海:上海外语教育出版社。
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
Research methodology 1.1 Research Questions Halliday#8217;s interpersonal function mainly consists of mood and modality, which are applied by Halliday to the study of interpersonal function. And on the basis of Halliday#8217;s theory, Li Zhanzi (2001) extends interpersonal meaning, which also contributes to the realization of interpersonal meaning. By employing the above theories, the research attempts to answer the following questions: 1. What are the mood features of Trump#8217;s victory speech? And how is the interpersonal function realized by mood system in Trump#8217;s victory speech? 2. What are the modality features of Trump#8217;s victory speech? And how is the interpersonal function realized by modality system in Trump#8217;s victory speech? 3. How is the interpersonal function realized in Trump#8217;s victory speech in terms of personal pronouns? 1.2. Research Methods and Procedures In the first place, the author annotates the linguistic features of each clause in Trump#8217;s victory speech, in order to get the frequency and regularity of mood, modality and person system. Then comes the preliminary processing of data through counting the frequency, and marking out the distribution charts of each interpersonal function. The last step is the analysis of the data. In order to obtain relatively objective and convincing results, both qualitative and quantitative methods are adopted in this research. The quantitative study is to see the frequency of mood, modality expressions and person pronouns. And the qualitative study is adopted to explain the application of mood structure, modality and personal pronouns to realization of interpersonal meaning in the speech. With the combination of the frequency and regularity of each linguistic feature and the corresponding interpersonal function displayed by them, the author will come up with some points of views. The focus of the thesis is to reveal the realization of interpersonal meaning in Trump#8217;s speech by analyzing the linguistic features showing in the text. Thus, case study and theoretical analysis are employed as the primary research methods in the thesis.
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