中美校园暴力现象对比研究 A Comparative Study of School Violence Between China and America开题报告
2020-06-06 09:51:09
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
校园暴力的跨文化研究 A Cross-cultural Study of School Violence 1.Introduction School violence has a long and profound history, that is ,it accompanies with the foundation of school or some similar organizations in which children know and stay with each other for the pursuit of knowledge or so-called education.In America, school violence can be dated back to the juvenile delinquency of 1950s. There are various definitions of school violence.Comparing and analyzing these definitions,several common points can be concluded. The bully or victim is students and teachers. The violence action can be physical or mental hurt, or damage to individual or school#8217;s property belongings. In this study,school violence is confined to the action taking place in campus and related to students and teachers. 1.1 Research background In recent years,school violence has become increasingly serious at home and in America.Forms of school violence have changed and increased. With the development and popularity of internet, on top of ordinary beat, sneer, threat, blackmail, there occurs a new kind of school violence, cyberbullying which leads victims suffering more mental hurt and fear from strangers on the internet. As the violence forms and means increase, the violence degree deepens, as a result, the number of victims and pains they bear have grown. In China, school violence is very common but does not cause much concern unless it left victims seriously injured even dead. However, recently, social and national concern regarding the school violence incidents have grown .What#8217;s more, Ministry of Education declared that in 2017,there will be a special project aimed to govern school bully and violence. In America, school violence presents a tendency to a larger scale and more disastrous result. Examples include incidents at Virginia Polytechnic Institute (2007) and Northern Illinois University(2008), the attack on Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords and others(2011), and so on. At the same time, more and more incidents take place among overseas students. Two Chinese overseas students died from shoot in the car near Caltech campus(2012).One Chinese girl was abused and beat by a group of schoolmates, the process lasting about 5 hours. In modern days, school violence tends to reduce to crimes. Considering the severe current situation, government, society, school and family must attach importance and pay more attention to these terrifying incidents. 1.2 Need for the Study School violence has become a global issue in various countries with different ideology, social system or economy conditions. Severe juvenile violence action is called three global catastrophes with drug-taking and trafficking and environmental pollution. Global school violence incidents emerge in endlessly and cause bad influence on global education and adolescents. What#8217;s worse, students involved in these incidents present the trend of being younger. In spite of the seriousness of school violence, in China, there are few researches and concerns. Apparently, domestic research are quite backward than the deterioration rate of school violence. More concern and study are urgently needed. America is one of the nations which conduct the earliest research and make certain achievements and success. These advanced study and research results can be used for reference. This study focuses on causes for, forms and prevention and control of school violence as well as difference between these aspects at home and in America. China and America has different social system and disparate culture, however, there are common causes while difference is in existence. Study on a variety of causes is better for control and prevention of influence the potential cause or threat brings about. Similarly, same reason is for research on forms and prevention measures of school violence. This study is significant for domestic research on ,control and prevention of school violence. Through these comparable research and analysis, more effective and operational methods can be put forward and put into practice. 2.Literature Review 2.1 Previous studies at home At the turning of century, the word ”school violence”began to be widely used and seen on in the media. Its appearance was accompanied with the concern from experts on crime science,workers in legal and education fields about this issue and a few of researches. Most domestic researches focus on the causes but operational measure or prevention system is in shortage. Most researchers ascribe school violence to four aspects, namely, family, individual, school and society, Specific influential factors included inferior family education,parents#8217; violent action, adolescent#8217;s special physical and mental development contradiction,study pressure, improper educational system,disjoint education inside school and outside,internet violence and so on. Xu Jiusheng (2004) holds the opinion that school violence not only affects students#8217; growing, it also brings about a chain of reaction. Parents#8217; fear; school#8217;s reputation deteriorates; teacher#8217;s sense of security decreases; school is no longer haven from society, ivory gone. In terms of control and prevention of school violence, most scholars put focus on perfecting the legislation, stress on family function,social purification and popularizing education. Liu Zhenhua (2005) has a great insight that government is supposed to play a fundamental role in this issue and it is vitally important and effective to particularly set up a department against school violence. Yang Caixia and Zhou gang (2008) think that school can give a full play of itself. Wang Shengjun (2013) provides a new kind of idea that it is also a good solution to balance educational resources so as to let every child receive education and be civilized. Song Huiyan (2014), comes up with a novel research perspective that few ever do, bystander. All in all, in China, research on school violence is still in the primary stage and has a long way to go. 2.2 Previous studies abroad In an early time,American scholars paid attention to school violence research, therefore, a plenty of and advanced achievements are made.In America, there is a broader definition of school violence. In addition to injury to human body and damage to property, it also includes some circumstances in which students or teachers will feel in danger or threatened. As for the causes, America scholars make a more specific conclusion. Racial discrimination, easy access to gun,drug, child abuse,single parent family, unemployment and media#8217;s report about violence, all these are part of causes. Based on these study, researchers provide some specific and feasible suggestion and measures.In his book, Ending Campus Violence: New Approaches to Prevention, Van Brunt suggests establishing three teams: a threat assessment team(TAT), a behavioral intervention team(BAT), and a risk assessment team(RAT). He (2012) recommends that the teams include a balance of staff and faculty, with representatives from student affairs, law enforcement, and counseling directors who serve as the core and others who represent residential life staff, academic administrators, student activities staff, athletics, human resources, and legal counsel. Based on the shaping of campus teaching environment, Nansel (2000) put forward that it should be strictly restricted to dress school uniform, wipe out drugs and abuse of alcohol and destructive weapons. Drs.Miller and Kraus (School Violence and Primary Prevention, page435) propose some more effective models that use social skills training, parent involvement and training, school bonding between teachers and students, mentoring as a key strategy, and counseling support for both victims and perpetrators of school violence(Miller. 1996). In conclusion, it is urgently necessary to conduct related researches in a larger scale and from a deeper degree. The study is significant for domestic research on ,control and prevention of school violence. Through these comparable research and analysis, more effective and operational methods can be put forward and put into practice. 3.Methodology Firstly, this paper takes the research method of literature review, reference to a large number of academic journals, periodicals, books news and other related materials. Thorough analyses and conclusion in detail lay a good theoretical foundation to this paper. Secondly, questionnaire is one of the research methods. A list of factors possibly causing school violence is included in this questionnaire. Meanwhile, the informant is encouraged to give his ideas and suggestion about how to eliminate school violence. Thirdly, this paper takes comparable analysis. These comparable analysis of causes, violence forms and prevention measures is beneficial for China to have a better govern of school violence. 4.Conclusion School violence, obviously, means physical and psychological hurt to students or teachers as well as property belonging to them or school. In recent years, school violence has increasingly worsen and raised global concern. It has become a malignant tumor threatening adolescent developing and national educational system, although China hasn#8217;t enough related research and paid enough attention which absolutely will influence China#8217;s overall progress. Therefore, it#8217;s necessary for government to turn its eyes to control and prevention of school violence. Children takes the responsibility of building a better country so school violence must be eliminated from school and let school recovery into the ivory from society. Works Recited [1] 徐久生. 《校园暴力研究》[M]. 北京:中国方正出版社, 2004. [2] 刘振华. 湖湘论坛[C].湖南:湖南公安高等专科学校,2004. 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A Cross-cultural of School Violence between China and America 3.1 The Causes for School Violence and Reasons for Difference 3.2 Different Forms of School violence 3.3 Different Methods of Control and Prevention 4.How to Better Solve China#8217;s School Violence 4.1 Governmental Action 4.2 Social and School Efforts 4.3 Family Effect 5. Conclusion References
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
This subject is aimed to provide solutions to school violence through study and analysis of the difference between American and Chinese school violence.This paper is planned to take the research method of literature review, questionnaire, and comparable analysis. Based on these researches, this paper will put forward some effective and operational measures.
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