2020-05-24 12:17:33
1. 研究目的与意义(文献综述包含参考文献)
literature review
feminism originated from the western mind movement that advocated equality between men and women. it contained feminist theory research and equality between men and women. feminism is a range of movements and ideologies that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, cultural, personal, and social rights for women. this includes seeking to establish equal opportunities for women in education and employment. a feminist advocates or supports the rights and equality of women. later in the 19th century of the american civil war, women organized the association against slavery and the first feminist movement started. the climax of the second feminist movement in europe in the 1960s turned the criticism of the outside world to rational thinking. the feminist movement accelerated the comprehensive study of the women studies, literature and aesthetics. women re-observed themselves in their own consciousness and explored the female personality and real status formed by the compulsory culture.
throughout the chinese and foreign literature, more bildungsroman could be found everywhere. by contrast, few people paid attention to women growth and changes because of the denial, disrespect and misunderstanding to women in patriarchal society. the novel sister carrie written by american writer dreiser narrates a country girl that struggles from relying on others to economic independence and ultimately realizes her dream. dreiser shows a challenger in secular society. sister carrie challenges the traditional secular patriarchal society. she wants to go outside and integrates into society to pursue economic independence. she is eager to realize self-value with her talents.
2. 研究的基本内容、问题解决措施及方案
thesis proposal
(1) the purpose and significance of the subject
throughout the chinese and foreign literature, more bildungsroman could be found everywhere. by contrast, few people paid attention to women#8217;s growth and changes because of the denial, disrespect and misunderstanding to women in patriarchal society. the novel sister carrie written by american writer dreiser narrated a country girl that struggles from relying on others to economic independence and ultimately realizes her dream. dreiser showed a challenger in secular society. sister carrie challenged the traditional secular patriarchal society. she wanted to go outside and integrated into the society to pursue economic independence. she was eager to realize self-value with her talents. this paper analyzed the feminism in sister carrie by stating her continuous growth and self-pursuit. it showed the awakening of female self-consciousness and mental growth. therefore it put forward the enlightenment to modern women.
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