从EMC特性角度探讨如何改善产品MUF Void Strip warpage/COP问题任务书
2020-05-23 16:24:19
1. 毕业设计(论文)的内容和要求
本实验通过研究emc的组成成分及特性,探讨哪些特性会影响到void的生成、strip warpage/cop以及如何改善void问题,并总结出emc selection guideline以便后期compound筛选。所用的表征方法有hdt、cet等。利用热变形温度分析翘曲量的变化,利用热膨胀系数分析材料收缩的变化。
2. 参考文献
1. Lin,
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2. Lin, W., et al, "PoP/CSP Warpage Evaluation and Viscoelastic
Modeling," in Proc. IEEE Electronic Components and Technol. Conf. (ECTC),
2008, pp. 1576-1581.
3. Kelly, G., et al, "Accurate prediction of PQFP warpage," in Proc.
IEEE Electronic Components and Technol. Conf. (ECTC), 1994, pp. 102#8211;106.
4. Kelly, G., et al, "Importance of molding compound chemical shrinkage in
the stress and warpage analysis of PQFP#8217;s," IEEE Trans. Component,
Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 1996, pp. 296-300.
5. Yang, D. G., et al, "Prediction of process-induced warpage of IC
packagings encapsulated with thermosetting polymers," in Proc. IEEE
Electronic Components and Technol. Conf. (ECTC), 2004, pp. 98#8211;105.
6. Yang, D. G., et al, "Micromechanical modeling of stress evolution
induced during cure in a particle-filled electronic packaging polymer,"
IEEE Trans. Component, Packaging and Manufacturing Technology, 2004, pp. 676#8211;683.
7. Yang, D. G., et al, "Modeling of cure-induced warpage of plastic IC
packagings," in Proc. 5th. Int. Conf. Thermal Mechanical Simulation
Experiments Micro-Electronics Micro-Systems (EuroSimE#8217;04), 2004, pp. 33#8211;40.
8. Hong, L. C., and Hwang, S. J., "Study of warpage due to P#8211;V-T#8211;C
relation of EMC in IC packaging," IEEE Trans. Component, Packaging and
Manufacturing Technology, 2004, pp. 371#8211;373.
9. Polsky, Y., and Ume, I. C., "Thermoelastic Modeling of a PWB with
Simulated Circuit Traces Subjected to Infrared Reflow Soldering with
Experimental Validation," Journal
of Electronic Packaging, 1999, pp. 213-270.
10.Zhai, C. J., Too, S. S., and Master, R. N., "Reliability Modeling of
Lidded Flip Chip Packages," in Proc. IEEE Electronic Components and
Technol. Conf. (ECTC), 2007, pp. 1091#8211;1096.
11.Yean, C. L., et al, "Consideration of Mold Compound Cure Shrinkage in
Finite Element Modeling," Electronic Materials and Packaging Conference,
12.Zhu, W. H., et al, "Cure shrinkage characterization and its implementation
into correlation of warpage between simulation and measurement," in Proc.
5th. Int. Conf. Thermal Mechanical Simulation Experiments MicroElectronics
Micro-Systems (EuroSimE#8217;07).
13.Chien, I. Y., et al, "Low Warpage Modeling Compound for PoP, CSP and
BGA Applications," Semicon, 2007.
3. 毕业设计(论文)进程安排
起讫日期 |
设计(论文)各阶段工作内容 |
备 注 |
12.28-1.15 |
文献查询及文献翻译 |
2.22-2.28 |
完成开题报告 |
2.29-4.10 |
实验工作 |
4.11-4.17 |
论文中期检查 |
4.18-6.5 |
进行实验并撰写论文 |
6.6-6.12 |
论文答辩 |
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