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 2020-04-11 17:49:46  

摘 要








Since the 21st century, with the continuous growth of China's economy, the number of companies has increased and the number of brands has also increased. According to statistics, at of the end of 2011, the number of Chinese brands has exceeded 1.7 million, but the brand value is huge, and it is difficult for Chinese brands to rank on the international market among the top brands both in brand awareness and market share.

Under the background of the continuous growth of the “beautiful economy”, domestic products in the domestic cosmetics market did not occupy an advantage. A large number of foreign cosmetics brands have poured into the Chinese market, but few Chinese cosmetic brands have gone out. In front of this big cake in the cosmetics industry, the Chinese cosmetics brand not only has to become the main force in the domestic cosmetics market with its own efforts, but also to avoid competition in the Red Sea at home and to break out of the vicious circle and continue to break out and go abroad.

The internationalization of the brand not only requires companies to have certain hard power, such as strong capital support, but also soft power, such as corporate culture that can be accepted by the local people. As a Chinese independent brand enterprise with a long history of Chinese culture, there is no lack of cultural soft power such as brand story and brand features. However, under the fierce cultural collision, the semantic design of products needs to be transmitted through clever design. The cultural heritage of the brand needs to be understood through appropriate marketing methods.

The internationalization of the brand faces the dual pressure from the domestic market and the international market. Brands not only need to be different from similar competitors from home to achieve product differentiation, but also need to eliminate the sense of strangeness of consumer groups in the international market, pull in the distance between consumers and attract consumers to make consumption attempts. Gradually establish a brand image in the consumer group and cultivate brand loyalty.

In view of the uneven development of domestic cosmetics brands, after analyzing the status quo of the domestic and international cosmetics market, this paper does not follow the previous research ideas, select individual cases to start specific discussions, and provide solutions, but in exploring the impact After the brand's internationalization factors, combined with the successful internationalization of well-known cosmetics brands at home and abroad, this paper presents an international marketing strategy for independent cosmetics brands at different stages: During the preparation period of brand internationalization, product VI should include Chinese cultural elements , enterprises must continuously improve product quality to meet more stringent inspection standards; in the germination period of brand internationalization, companies can choose to go from joining brands to franchise stores to counters, and pay attention to the celebrity endorser's fan effect. And the word-of-mouth communication brought by social media; in the growth period of the brand's internationalization, companies can actively learn from the successful cases of other brands' internationalization, seek solutions to corresponding problems, and improve brand management capabilities including day-to-day management and crisis management; During the mature period of brand internationalization, enterprises should keep product innovation, and focus on international development trends, to secure market share stable.

Key Words:Chinese independent brand;Brand internationalization;Cosmetic;Marketing strategy


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景 1

1.2 研究意义 2

1.3 创新点与不足 3

1.3.1 主要存在的创新点 3

1.3.2 存在的不足 4

第2章 品牌国际化研究及理论基础 5

2.1 品牌国际化研究 5

2.1.1 品牌国际化的定义 5

2.1.2 品牌国际化的国内外研究现状 5

2.2 4Ps营销理论 6

第3章 中国化妆品行业品牌国际化分析 7

3.1 中国化妆品品牌发展及国际化进程现状 7

3.2 中国自主化妆品品牌国际化动力分析 9

3.2.1 国家层面动力分析 9

3.2.2 企业层面动力分析 10

3.2.3 品牌层面动力分析 10

3.2.4 产品层面动力分析 10

3.3 中国化妆品行业品牌国际化过程中遇到的问题 10

3.3.1 产品问题 11

3.3.2 文化问题 11

3.3.3 法律问题 11

3.3.4 渠道问题 11

3.4 化妆品行业国际趋势预测 12

3.4.1 消费理性化 12

3.4.2 产品天然化 12

3.4.3 渠道电商化 12

3.4.4 品类细分化 13

3.5 小结 13

第4章 国内外化妆品品牌国际化案例分析 14

4.1 国内化妆品品牌国际化领先者经验分析:以佰草集为例 14

4.1.1 佰草集品牌简介 14

4.1.2 佰草集品牌国际化4Ps营销策略分析 14

4.2 国外化妆品品牌国际化领先者经验分析:以兰蔻为例 16

4.2.1 兰蔻品牌简介 16

4.2.2 兰蔻品牌国际化4Ps营销策略分析 17

第5章 中国自主化妆品品牌国际化营销发展对策 19

5.1 品牌国际化孕育期 19

5.1.1 产品设计包含中国元素 19

5.1.2 产品质量标准提高 19

5.2 品牌国际化萌发期 20

5.2.1 渠道选择 20

5.2.2 宣传方面 20

5.3 品牌国际化成长期 22

5.3.1 积极借鉴其他成功案例 22

5.3.2 提高品牌管理能力 22

5.4 品牌国际化成熟期 23

5.4.1 持续进行产品创新 23

5.4.2 关注国际发展趋势 23

参考文献 24

致 谢 26

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景



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