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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 广告学 > 正文


 2021-10-27 21:59:13  

摘 要



“品牌 短视频”这一策略,让越来越多的品牌成功利用短视频的特性,通过粉丝经济、社群营销等方式让品牌方“起死回生”甚至诞生很多品牌新势力。

因此,通过研究李宁在品牌年轻化具体策略中对于短视频的运用,对于深入了解“品牌 短视频”模式对于品牌发展的影响,以及了解互联网时代品牌如果利用短视频助力年轻化有着重要意义。



A brand needs a series of development strategies in the process of communication, and when a brand is gradually aging, it needs to change its development strategy, identify market segments, and re-form a new brand image in the minds of the public, that is, the brand Rejuvenation and brand transformation. Li Ning, as a leading domestic sports brand, embarked on the road of youthfulness after undergoing a "handle change" and successfully seized the young market. Through a series of strategies such as internationalization, the establishment of a tide brand, and strengthening investment in product technology research and development, Li Ning successfully got out of the predicament and became a young brand with both reputation and strength.

At the same time, in the context of the rapid development of the Internet, the concept of short video has been proposed. Many Internet products have been bred to form a short video information stream, and have a large user group and traffic. The birth of a large number of kol and online celebrities has also allowed the brand to see a new direction and gradually formed a new ecology for advertising and placement.

The strategy of "brand short video" has enabled more and more brands to successfully use the characteristics of short video, through the fan economy, community marketing and other methods to make the brand "resurrect" and even give birth to many brand new forces.

Therefore, by studying Li Ning's use of short video in the specific strategy of brand rejuvenation, it is of great significance to deeply understand the impact of the "brand short video" model on brand development, and to understand how to use short video to promote youth rejuvenation in the Internet era.

Key Words:Short video platform; communication strategy; brand rejuvenation; Li Ning

目 录

第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景与问题提出 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2问题提出 1

1.2研究目的与意义 1

1.3研究内容与研究方法 2

1.3.1研究内容 2

1.3.2研究方法 2

第2章 文献综述 3

2.1 李宁品牌发展与年轻化研究现状 3

2.2 短视频发展研究现状 4

第3章“短视频传播”与“品牌年轻化”相关理论阐述 6

3.1“短视频传播”的理论分析 6

3.1.1大众传播与社会化媒体 6

3.1.2议程设置传播效果 6

3.2“品牌年轻化”的理论分析 7

3.2.1品牌年轻化 7

3.2.2短视频平台中的软广告 7

第4章 李宁品牌年轻化策略中对于短视频的运用 9

4.1中国李宁的联名品牌选择 10

4.2 测评类kol在李宁口碑提升中的作用 11

4.2.1垂直类kol的作用分析 11

4.2.2 “粉丝经济”与李宁产品口碑的密切联系 12

4.3 草根球员与赛事的促进作用 13

4.3.1草根球员对李宁品牌的促进作用 13

4.3.2“草根赛事”对李宁品牌的促进作用 14

第5章“品牌 短视频”模式的优劣势分析 16

5.1 “品牌 短视频”模式的优势分析 16

5.1.1从品牌方角度分析 16

5.1.2从受众角度分析 17

5.2 “品牌 短视频”模式的劣势分析 17

第6章“品牌 短视频”模式的建议与发展趋势 18

6.1 “品牌 短视频”模式的建议 18

6.2 “品牌 短视频”模式的发展趋势 18

结语 19

参考文献 20

致谢 21

第1章 绪论

1.1 研究背景与问题提出






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