2021-04-21 22:18:31
摘 要
Looking back at the development of Chinese documentaries, from the bud to the rapid development, from the decline to the new period, the changes in the media have played an important role. In the era of traditional media, documentaries were mainly based on television and theaters. The spread and influence of the documentaries were very limited. Under the impact of the later TV dramas and variety shows, documentary ratings deteriorated and became marginalized, becoming a minority of the audience. Circle art, fade out of the public view. The emergence of new media has opened up a difficult situation for the declining documentaries and brought about a turning point for its development. The Chinese documentary has continued to show new vigor after more than ten years of development in the new media platform. With the continuous development of the main body of production, the gradual enlargement of the audience, the increasing attention and influence of the society, and so on, the Chinese documentary gradually moved from the niche to the public in the context of the new media.
The emergence of new media platforms has brought opportunities for Chinese documentaries, but also brought challenges. In order to allow Chinese documentaries to seize opportunities, overcome challenges, and achieve better development in the context of new media, we need to study the changes brought about by new media to Chinese documentaries and explore the real reasons why the Chinese documentaries have moved from the niche to the public. Future developments propose directions and recommendations. This article takes the "Chinese documentary in the context of new media" as the research object, and takes the "change brought by the new media to Chinese documentary" as the topic, to explore the performance and reasons of the Chinese documentary from the niche to the public under the context of the new media.
This article is divided into five chapters. The first part of the first chapter explains the research background, summary, significance, content, and methods. The second chapter gives an overview, introduces the definition, characteristics, and development of new media and documentaries. The third chapter focuses on the performance of Chinese documentaries from the niche to the public. Chapter 4 discusses the changes brought about by the new media to the Chinese documentary creation subject, expression of content, mode of dissemination, and marketization, and explores the reasons why Chinese documentaries go from the niche to the public; Chapter 5 discusses Chinese documentaries in the new media. Development Trends, Bottlenecks and Suggestions in Context.
Key words: New Media;Chinese Documentary;Popularization
目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及研究意义 1
1.1.1 研究背景 1
1.1.2 研究目的及意义 1
1.2 研究综述 2
1.2.1 国内研究现状 2
1.2.2 文献初步总结 2
1.2.3 现有研究的不足 3
1.3 研究问题、研究内容、研究方法 3
1.3.1 研究问题 3
1.3.2 研究内容 3
1.3.3 研究方法 4
第2章 新媒体语境下国产纪录片概述 5
2.1 新媒体语境概述 5
2.1.1 新媒体的含义 5
2.1.2 新媒体的特征 5
2.1.3 新媒体平台的范围界定 5
2.2 中国纪录片概述 6
2.2.1 纪录片的含义 6
2.2.2 纪录片的特征 6
2.2.3 中国纪录片的发展历史 7
第3章 国产纪录片大众化的表现 8
3.1 产量增加、投资扩大 8
3.2 点击量翻倍、收视火爆、票房走高 8
3.3 话题热度持续升温、社会关注度不断提高 9
3.4 受众群体逐渐扩大 9
第4章 国产纪录片大众化的原因 10
4.1 新媒体语境下中国纪录片创作人群的改变 10
4.1.1 民间拍客涌现,全民纪录时代开启 10
4.1.2 视频网站加强投入纪录片自制 10
4.1.3 观众自制纪录片与众筹纪录片 10
4.2 新媒体语境下中国纪录片的内容表达的改变 11
4.2.1 叙事手段:记录故事化 12
4.2.2 叙事视角:从宏大叙事到微末叙事 12
4.3 新媒体环境下中国纪录片的传播方式的改变 12
4.3.1 新媒体推动传播平台多元化 12
4.3.2 新媒体实现纪录片大众化传播 13
4.3.3 新媒体激发纪录片全媒体互动传播 13
4.4 新媒体语境下中国纪录片的市场化运作的改变 13
4.4.1 新媒体升级运营模式,打造文化产业链 13
4.4.2 新媒体拓宽纪录片商业合作空间 14
第5章 新媒体环境下中国纪录片的发展趋势 15
5.1 发展之趋势 15
5.1.1 “智能社交”下纪录片的亲民性与互动性强化 15
5.1.2 微纪录片、纪实短视频等纪录片新形态兴起 15
5.1.3 “新一代纪录片”开创“纪录片 N”模式 15
5.2 发展之瓶颈 16
5.2.1 盈利模式制约中国纪录片发展 16
5.2.2 同质化严重,纪录片缺乏精品和品牌打造 16
5.2.3 日益向娱乐化、商业化倾斜 17
5.3 发展之建议 17
5.3.1 内容上从用户需求出发 17
5.3.2 利用开放式和互动式传播方式 18
5.3.3 构建纪录片营销新模式 18
5.3.4 把握好娱乐化和商业化的尺度 18
第6章 结语 20
参考文献 21
致谢 22
第1章 绪论
1.1 研究背景及研究意义
1.1.1 研究背景