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 2021-03-14 21:41:34  

摘 要





With the development of the small car, the automotive industry's market structure haved changed.In order to increase sales in the existing market share and enhance consumer awareness, The Smart has made a series of marketing and creative activities, which are designed and produced by Mercedes-Benz Group and Swatch Group.This article uses 4P marketing theory, elaborated Mercedes-Benz smart marketing and creative ways and their characteristics. Finding the means in domestic marketing: the combination of the electricity industry which developes rapidly.This behavior breaks the traditional market rules.Although Mercedes-Benz smart sales in foreign countries is not pretty, but its advertising creations have some references.Print and video advertising is highly targeted, with interesting way to explain the product and brand connotation.Finally, this article also explores the limitations and trends of the future development of small cars including the future market breakthrough of small cars.Now, the small car audience is only part of the minority groups,but its development potential in the Chinese market or have a certain degree of competitiveness.If they want to seek a breakthrough which is to be in the future market segmentation and strengthen the audience and product interaction as the main goal.

Key Words:Small car; 4P marketing theory; Advertising Strategy.


第1章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景、目的和意义 1

1.1.1 研究背景 1

1.1.2 研究目的 1

1.1.3 研究意义 1

1.2 研究现状 2

1.3 研究思路与方法 2

1.3.1 文献分析法 3

1.3.2 归纳分析法 3

1.3.3 案例分析法 3

第2章 小型车的界定和特点 4

2.1 小型车的产生与发展 4

2.2 小型车的定义及特征 4

2.3 smart小型车的营销环境分析 5

2.3.1 smart车型的由来 5

2.3.2 smart小型车市场环境现状与竞争者 5

2.3.3 smart小型车的商业性特征 5

2.3.4 smart小型车的社会价值 6

第3章 smart营销组合策略 7

3.1 产品策略相关活动分析 7

3.1.1 提升smart的受众满意度 7

3.1.2 塑造独一无二的品牌形象 8

3.2 价格策略相关活动分析 9

3.2.1 制定合理折扣策略 9

3.2.2 利用团购策略 9

3.3渠道策略相关活动分析 9

3.3.1 开拓新销售渠道 10

3.3.2 寻求第三方平台合作 11

3.4 促销策略相关活动分析 12

3.4.1 采用多种分销渠道 12

3.4.2 制定合理营销组合 13

第4章 奔驰smart小型车的创意方式与策略 14

4.1 理性诉求创意策略 14

4.1.1 信息展示方式 14

4.1.2 实例演示 15

4.2 情感诉求的创意策略 16

4.2.1 故事性方式 17

4.2.2 幽默性方式 17

4.3 独特功能诉求的创意策略 18

4.4 国内外营销创意差异化分析 19

第5章 小型车营销与创意的局限性与发展趋势研究 21

5.1 小型车未来市场的局限性 21

5.1.1 目标受众的局限性 21

5.1.2 销售城市的局限性 21

5.1.3 小型车价格的局限性 21

5.2 小型车的未来发展市场 21

5.3 小型车营销创意的突破 23

第6章 结论 24

参考文献 25

致 谢 26

第1章 绪论







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