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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 广告学 > 正文


 2021-03-13 23:22:42  

摘 要

截至2015年12月,中国网民数量达 6.88亿。由于互联网的愈发普及以及新媒体技术的持续提升,人们的生活观念与方式不断受到颠覆,自我表达与展示的欲望也获得了发挥的空间。在这一过程之中出现了将互联网作为载体的群体及文化。其中较为具有代表性的便是“网红”这一群体,或者说是一种文化现象。








As of December 2015, the number of Chinese Internet users reached 688 million. Due to the increasing popularity of the Internet and the continuous upgrading of new media technology, people's concept of life are continued to be subversive. The desire of self-expression and display also get the space to exert. In this process there has been a group and culture that uses the Internet as a carrier which is more representative of the "Web celebrities" group or a "Web celebrities" cultural phenomenon.

The purpose of this study is to explore the reasons why "Web celebrities" grow up to be a group force which can not to be reckoned in the Internet, to explore the characteristics of communication subject and audience's psychology, to explore what content, ways and trends does the defused of "Web celebrities" has.

From the paper selection, data collection to the paper writing process, this study mainly uses the literature analysis method, reading a lot of communication books. Meanwhile, during the process of writing the author make full use of the network resources, using induction, analysis and comprehensive methods for data processing. Besides that , the study take papi as a specific case to analysis the communication strategy with the purpose of revealing the transmission characteristics and advantages of it.

Finally, based on the above research, this study puts forward some concrete suggestions against comprehensive view of "Web celebrities" phenomenon in the perspective of communication.

Key word: Web celebrities; mode of transmission; communication subject amp; audience

目 录

摘 要 I

Abstract II

目 录 III

第1章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景 1

1.2研究目的 1

1.3研究意义 2

1.4研究方法与研究内容 2

1.4.1研究方法 2

1.4.2研究内容及方案 2

第2章 网红概念及发展现状 5

2.1相关概念及文献综述 5

2.1.1网红概念阐述 5

2.1.2网红传播概念阐述 6

2.2国内网红现象及网红传播研究文献综述 6

2.3国外网红现象及网红传播研究文献综述 7

第3章 网红现象研究成果及面临问题 8

3.1网红现象出现原因 8

3.1.1技术及媒介环境的成熟 8

3.1.2粉丝经济的促进 8

3.1.3 网络推手的推动 8

3.2网红传播主体出现原因 9

3.2.1自我呈现的意愿 9

3.2.2塑造个人IP 10

3.3网红传播受众心理分析 10

3.3.1对碎片时间的填充需求 10

3.3.2寻求自我认同与投射心理 11

3.3.3追逐热点与从众心理 11

3.4网红传播内容 12

3.5网红传播发展趋势 12

3.5.1个体实现自主传播 12

3.5.2 由零散向产业化整合 13

3.5.3 通过传播策略获取受众注意力 13

3.6网红传播面临的问题 14

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