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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 文学教育类 > 广告学 > 正文


 2021-03-13 22:54:38  

摘 要







关键词:运动品牌 广告创意 思维 表现


As people become more and more interested in sports, sporting goods market gradually mature. In this process, the sports brand in order to establish a unique image in the minds of consumers, and form a differentiated positioning, began to communicate more of their own brand personality.

A fixed brand character needs a specific creative thinking framework. The brand will extend creative content within this creative framework. Each sports brand has its own different creative framework, but still, there are some common use of the law.

Through a large number of case studies, this paper draws some common use of the creative law.

If you want to communicate the general sports enthusiasts, then based on an accurate insight extended by the strong attitude, this will be easier to ignite the passion of the audience. And if the communication object is advanced sports enthusiasts, then you need to use the desire to win the game to highlight its professionalism in the game. If you need to communicate two different consumers, you can try to communicate on the field of eternal topic - "beyond the limit." In addition, in some specific circumstances, you can also let creative thinking beyond the sports itself. Communicate with consumers from a more humanity perspective.

In the creative performance, the sports brand is more practical in manifesto and the form of the story. Manifesto is used to communicate a variety of different target audiences, but lacks communication in depth and sincerity. In contrast, the story can enhance the authenticity of communication, but can not target a wider audience.

After understanding the rules of creative thinking and performance, we will focus on non-sports areas of the brand to study the use of these creative thinking and performance. In the study of other areas of the "sportic" of the ads, we found that "sportic" the use of the most important factor lies in its prominence.

The author summarizes the commonly used creative thinking and performance, and its purpose is to study these laws at the same time to help creative workers to break these laws, while avoiding mistakes, to create new ideas.

Key words: Sports brands; creative advertising; creative thinking; creative performance


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 绪论 1

1.1研究背景和意义 1

1.1.1研究背景 1

1.1.2研究目的与意义 2

1.2现阶段研究成果 2

1.2.1国内研究现状 2

1.2.2国外研究现状 3

1.3研究方法与创新点 4

第二章 运动品牌广告的发展与现状 5

2.1“让你跑得更快、跳得更远”时代的运动品牌广告 5

2.2“选我就酷”时代的运动品牌广告 6

2.3国内外运动品牌广告创意的现状与差距 7

第三章 运动品牌广告创意思维与表现的框架 9

3.1创意框架决定沟通内容 9

3.2品牌slogan正是品牌的沟通创意框架 10

第四章 运动品牌广告创意思维 11

4.1为运动赋予意义 11

4.1.1运动场下各有态度 11

4.1.2运动场上求胜为先 12

4.1.3突破极限 13

4.2超越运动 15

第五章 运动品牌广告创意表现 17

5.1引燃激情的品牌宣言 17

5.2用故事唤起共鸣 18

第六章 其它行业如何运用运动品牌的创意思维与表现 20

第七章 结语 22

参考文献 23

致谢 24

第一章 绪论



随着行业发展和消费者的需求变化,运动品牌的沟通内容逐渐从产品导向转变为品牌导向。这也意味着品牌开始为自身塑造一个不一样的性格。我们环顾身边常见的运动品牌,似乎能够很直观的分辨出不同品牌传递给我们的是一种怎样的性格,这些性格总体而言都是积极向上的,但在积极向上的总体性格里,又分化出不同的分支,比如耐克的“我就是优秀、伟大的,除此之外我还心怀全人类”,阿迪达斯的“我不想和别人做的一样,我可以独树一帜”,under armour的“我会用最严苛的方式要求自己,直到成功”……这些正是品牌性格的微妙之处,而本文也将详细讨论这些品牌如何通过广告创意塑造这些性格。

每个广告作品都会有一个创意概念,这个概念既要满足当前的传播需要,也要满足一直以来的品牌观点。以耐克为例,无论是“find your greatness”还是“unlimited you”,虽然是完全不同的创意概念,创意的执行方式也有所不同,但是它们都能够被完美地包含在“just do it”这个自始至终的“大帽子”下面。这顶“大帽子”实际上是在市场中宣誓自己的领域,帽子下面可能有不同的人说这不同的话,但只要有这顶帽子在,别人就不会认错。作为创意人,其实就是在不断的扮演帽子地下的这个人,换着花样去和消费者沟通,但是永远都不会让人觉得有违和感。在这顶帽子下,该说些什么要视实际问题而定。我们不可能预知一位脱口秀演员的台词,但是我们可以总结出一场成功的脱口秀的关键因素。同样的,运动品牌总有令人眼前一亮的创意内容,但是背后的创意思维其实有迹可循。作为一位创意人,也许会视这种方法论为一种套路而对此嗤之以鼻,但是也正是因为能够深入的了解“套路”才能够创造出更多的新奇。

创意的表现——也就是执行——决定了是否准确高效的与受众进行沟通。与创意思维一样,创意的表现形式同样有规律,比如去年同时期上线的耐克“come out of nowhere”和under armour的“make that old”,其实都是manifesto类型的影片,但是两者截然不同的执行方式让两支影片各有爆点。所以,我们一方面要研究manifesto在创意表现里的优势,同样也要研究是什么让一支影片成为一只高质量的影片,足以让人们反复观看甚至下载下来。这涉及到制作的方方面面:场景选择,音乐,剪辑,调色……

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