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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 岩土工程 > 正文


 2020-02-16 23:25:00  

摘 要








Tunnel is an engineering building buried in the stratum, which is a form of human using underground space. The tunnel may divide into the traffic tunnel, the hydraulic tunnel, the municipal tunnel, the mine tunnel.

The structure of the tunnel includes the main building and auxiliary equipment. The main building is made up of a tunnel body and a portal, and ancillary equipment includes a car escape hole, fire fighting facilities, emergency communication and drainage facilities, and a long tunnel with special ventilation and lighting equipment.

This graduation design adopts double dam general high-speed the practical engineering data of the same tunnel structure and construction design, proposed the general same located in yichang reduced land sp 18 town down near the creek, tunnel using separate tunnel scheme, the tunnel of the left line of 440 m long, right line tunnel length 470 m, tunnel to the azimuth Angle of about 115 °, general use separate tunnels, David USES the end wall burrows.

According to the engineering geological data, the alignment scheme comparison and design of the tunnel, and the design of the horizontal and longitudinal sections of the tunnel are carried out. According to the specification, the position of the entrance and the structure design of the entrance are selected, the type of the entrance is determined, and the position of the entrance, the side of the entrance and the excavation line of the slope are determined by the drawing method. The principle of retaining wall is used to check the structure of the portal, including strength and stability. The lining design is carried out according to the type and grade of surrounding rock of the tunnel, the lining form is determined, the pressure of surrounding rock of the tunnel is calculated, the internal force of lining is calculated by using lizheng program, in addition, the strength of the second lining is checked by using lizheng program, and the reinforcement is calculated. According to the tunnel construction method and related construction method data, the construction organization design of the jiangjunya tunnel is carried out. Finally, the environmental protection design of tunnel is carried out.

The main problems to be solved in this graduation project are: the linear design of the tunnel, the selection of the portal and the structure design, the structure design of the tunnel body, the construction organization design, the lining design and so on.

Key words:jiangjunya tunnel;David design;lining design, internal force checking, construction organization design.


第1章 将军垭隧道工程地质说明 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2自然地理条件 1

1.2.1 地貌特征 1

1.2.2 气象、水文 1

1.3工程地质条件 1

1.3.1 地层岩性 1

1.3.2 地质构造 1

1.3.3 水文地质条件 2

1.3.4 隧道围岩级别划分 2

第2章 线路设计 3

2.1 线形方案比选 3

2.2 平面设计 3

2.2.1左线隧道 3

2.2.2右线隧道 4

2.3 引线设计 5

第3章 隧道洞口位置方案比选及洞门设计 6

3.1 洞口设计 6

3.1.1一般规定 6

3.2 洞门形式设计 6

3.2.1 洞门形式设计要求 6

3.2.2 参数设计 7

第4章 隧道横断面设计 10

4.1 限界标准 10

4.2 横断面形式 10

4.3 衬砌断面设计 10

4.3.1 衬砌设计一般规定 10

4.3.2 复合衬砌设计 11

第5章 洞门和洞身衬砌验算 12

5.1 Ⅴ级围岩衬砌结构内力验算 12

5.1.1 基本参数 12

5.1.2 荷载确定 12

5.1.3计算简图 13

5.1.4计算条件 14

5.1.5计算结果 15

5.2 Ⅳ级围岩衬砌结构内力验算 22

5.2.1 基本参数 22

5.2.2 荷载确定 22

5.2.3 计算简图 22

5.2.4 计算条件 23

5.2.5 计算结果 23

5.3 Ⅲ级围岩衬砌结构内力验算 29

5.3.1 基本参数 29

5.3.2 荷载确定 29

5.3.3 计算简图 30

5.3.4 计算条件 30

5.3.5 计算结果 30

第6章 隧道施工方案 37

6.1 明洞施工 37

6.2 半明半暗洞施工 37

6.3 分离式隧道施工方案 38

6.4 连拱隧道施工方案 38

第7章 施工组织设计 39

7.1 施工准备 39

7.1.1一般规定 39

7.1.2隧道施工顺序 39

7.2 施工方法 40

7.2.1进洞施工方法: 40

7.2.2掘进开挖方法: 40

7.3 施工通风 41

7.4 防水排水 42

7.4.1防水 42

7.4.2排水 42

7.5 路面工程 43

7.6 支护施工 44

7.6.1支护施工的一般规定: 44

7.6.2复合式衬砌施工要点: 44

7.7 监控量测 44

7.7.1 监控量测的目的 44

7.7.2 监控量测流程 45

7.7.3 监控量测作业 45

第8章 环境保护 47

8.1 设计阶段环境保护 47

8.2 施工阶段环境保护 48

8.2.1隧道弃渣、取弃土破坏植被,诱发水土流失 48

8.2.2 施工噪声 48

8.2.3施工废料、垃圾污染 48

8.2.4隧道施工污水 48

8.2.5对空气环境的污染 48

参考文献 49

致 谢 50

第1章 将军垭隧道工程地质说明

1.1 工程概况

拟建将军垭隧道位于宜昌市夷陵区乐天溪镇下岸溪附近,隧道采用分离式隧道方案,左线起讫里程为ZK8 770~ZK9 210,隧道长440m,右线起讫里程 K8 765~K9 235,隧道总长470m,隧道总体走向方位角约115°,采用分离式隧道,洞门采用端墙式洞门。


1.2.1 地貌特征


1.2.2 气象、水文

夷陵区地处中亚热带季风气候区,四季分明,雨热同季,气候温和,但由于海拔悬殊,气候垂直差异大,小区气候复杂,从南到北兼有北亚热带和暖温带的特点。夷陵区年平均气温为16.7℃ ;年平均雨量1101.1mm,年平均雨日137天;年平均日照时数1656.1小时,太阳年平均辐射总量98~103千卡/cm2,年平均无霜期为277天;年极端最高气温40.50℃,年极端最低气温-12℃。历年最多风向为北东和南西-南风,季风以偏北风为主,平均风速1.20m/s,基本风压0.25kPa。


1.3.1 地层岩性


1.3.2 地质构造



1.3.3 水文地质条件



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