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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 岩土工程 > 正文


 2021-11-07 21:15:06  

摘 要










In the construction of subway, it is inevitable to run under or side through the pile foundation of various structures in a short distance. On the one hand, it may cause the lateral deformation and settlement of the building pile foundation and reduce the bearing capacity of the pile foundation. On the other hand, it may cause the irregular settlement of the ground and affect the normal use of the pile foundation buildings.

In order to ensure the safety of the pile foundation of adjacent buildings in the process of tunnel excavation, based on the example of tunnel excavation project between Erqi Road station and Xingye Road Station of Wuhan Rail Transit Line 3, the corresponding research is carried out by theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and other methods. The main work and conclusions are as follows:

(1) FLAC3D is used to establish the three-dimensional numerical analysis model under different distance between tunnel and pile foundation. Considering the distance between tunnel and pile foundation is 0.5D-2D, the rule of influence of tunnel excavation on pile foundation deformation under different distance is analyzed. The results show that with the increase of the horizontal distance between the tunnel and the pile foundation, the horizontal deformation of the pile foundation decreases gradually, the bending deformation of the pile body becomes more and more gentle, and the vertical deformation of the pile foundation also decreases gradually.

(2) FLAC3D is used to establish a three-dimensional numerical analysis model of the distance between the tunnel and the pile foundation, which is D-3D. The safety distance between the shield tunnel and the adjacent pile foundation is discussed. When the minimum distance between the tunnel and the pile foundation is more than 2.5 times of the tunnel diameter, it can ensure the normal use of the original close pile foundation buildings.

(3) In this paper, FLAC3D is used to establish a variety of numerical analysis models with the tunnel buried depth of 7m-25m, and the laws of ground settlement and pile deformation are discussed when the tunnel buried depth is different. The results show that the horizontal deformation of pile foundation and the settlement of ground and pile foundation increase with the increase of tunnel depth.

(4) Based on the analysis of three reinforcement schemes, i.e. surrounding rock reinforcement,stratum reinforcement and pile foundation reinforcement, it is suggested to adopt MJS method to reinforce the surrounding rock of the tunnel, so as to control the ground settlement caused by the tunnel excavation and reduce the impact on the pile foundation.

Based on the existing engineering cases, this paper analyzes the deformation law of the tunnel and pile foundation in different space positions, and puts forward the minimum close distance between the tunnel and pile foundation. The research results of this paper are of great significance to ensure the safety and normal use of buildings, and provide reference for the safety control of similar shield tunnel close pile foundation projects.

Keyword: sand layer; shield tunnel; pile foundation; FLAC3D; safe distance; buried depth; reinforcement measures

目 录

摘要 I


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 研究背景及意义 1

1.2 国内外研究现状 1

1.2.1 国内外研究方法 1

1.2.2 隧道开挖与桩基空间关系研究 3

1.2.3 隧道与桩基安全距离的研究 4

1.2.4 沉降控制及加固措施研究 5

1.3 研究内容及技术方案 5

1.3.1 研究内容 5

1.3.2研究目标 5

1.3.3技术方案 6

第二章 隧道开挖对近接桩基影响理论研究 7

2.1 隧道开挖对土体影响机理 7

2.2 桩基在土体作用下的位移 7

2.2.1 桩土竖向荷载传递函数 8

2.2.2 桩土水平荷载传递函数 8

2.3 隧道开挖对桩基的影响 9

2.4 本章小结 9

第三章 隧道开挖对近接桩基影响规律分析 10

3.1 工程概况 10

3.2 工程地质及水文地质条件 10

3.2.1 工程地质 10

3.2.2 水文地质 11

3.3 数值分析模型的建立 11

3.3.1 FLAC3D简介 11

3.3.2 FLAC3D模型的建立 12

3.3.3 数值模型计算步骤 13

3.4 数值计算结果 14

3.4.1 桩基水平变形分析 16

3.4.2 桩基竖向变形分析 18

3.5 加固措施建议 18

3.6 本章小结 19

第四章 隧道与桩基不同空间位置影响模拟分析 20

4.1 数值分析模型的建立 20

4.2 桩基最小近距离建议值探究 20

4.2.1 数值计算结果 20

4.2.2 根据桩基水平变形的最小近距离建议值 22

4.2.3 根据桩基竖向变形的最小近距离建议值 23

4.2.4 隧道与桩基最小近距离建议值总结 24

4.3 隧道埋深对邻近桩基影响研究 24

4.3.1 数值计算结果 24

4.3.2 地表沉降分析 27

4.3.3 桩基变形分析 28

4.4 沉降控制和加固措施建议 29

4.5 本章小结 30

第五章 结论与展望 31

5.1 结论 31

5.2 展望 31

参考文献 33

致谢 35

大学期间发表论文及科研情况 36

第一章 绪论

1.1 研究背景及意义




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