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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给水排水工程 > 正文


 2022-05-14 19:40:07  


摘 要






Water supply system partition from the municipal pipe network access a DN200 introducing tube, 1 # 1 floor one to five from the municipal water supply, was in the region of six to thirteen, fourteen to ten eight-story high-district, Central and High areas are using frequency pump water supply. 1 # 2 floor one to five from the municipal water supply, four for the area six to ten, fifteen to twenty four for the high zone, middle zone and high district adopts Frequency Conversion Pump. Fire basin made of reinforced concrete structure, located on the outside basement pumping stations, the effective volume of 670 cubic meters. Architecture Indoor use sewage drainage, waste water diversion system, outdoor drainage system using waste and sewage confluence, after checking into the well, the septic tank and then discharged into the municipal sewer. Toilet multi-establishment tube form, using special ventilation riser. Basement drainage ditches pooled by row to the sump, the submersible sewage pump discharge to upgrade manholes. Rainwater half pressurized by gravity flow systems, rain water bucket after the roof to collect rainwater to check the discharge tube wells.

According to the specification, the building of a class of high-rise buildings, outdoor fire hydrant water 30L / s, fire hydrant water 40L / s, fire duration 2h. Hydrant enrich the water column height 12m, hose length 25m, gun nozzle flow 5.16L / s, fire standpipe diameter is DN100. In the attic is provided a test fire hydrant, fire hydrant box each have a remote start the fire pump buttons.

The building wet automatic sprinkler system, sprinkler system design flow 40L / s. Alarm valve located in the basement of the pumping station, the layers are set flow indicator, end water apparatus and a signal valve, which signals are sent to the fire control center for processing. Selection box integrated fire booster pump regulator device (including 18 m3 fire water tank) Storage 10min initial fire sprinkler system, fire hydrant system, water, initial fire extinguishing water from the tank, the latter by a basement fire extinguishing pumps and spray pour water pump.

Keyword: water-supply system、drainage system、hydrant system、automatic sprinkler system、rainwater system


摘 要 I

Abstract II

第一章 工程概况 3

第二章 设计说明书 3

2.1 建筑给水系统设计说明 3

2.1.1 给水系统选择 3

2.1.2 给水系统组成 3

2.1.3给水管道的布置与安装 3

2.2建筑内排水系统设计说明 4

2.2.1 排水方式选择 4

2.2.2 室内污水排水系统方案的选择 5

2.2.3 排水系统组成 5

2.2.4 排水管道布置 5

2.3 消火栓系统设计 7

2.3.1 消火栓系统说明 7

2.3.2 消火栓系统的组成 7

2.3.3 消火栓系统设计参数 7

2.3.4 主要设备 7

2.3.5 消火栓系统布置 8

2.4 喷淋系统设计 10

2.4.1 自动喷淋系统概述 10

2.4.2 喷淋系统的布置及管材 12

2.5 雨水系统设计 13

第三章 设计计算书 15

3.1 建筑给水系统计算 15

3.1.1 最高日用水量和最高日最大时用水量计算 15

3.1.2 室内给水管网水力计算 16

3.2 建筑排水系统计算 58

3.2.1卫生器具排水定额及排水管道设计秒流量公式的确定 58

3.2. 2建筑内排水管道计算 58

3.2.3化粪池设计计算 63

3.3消火栓系统 65

3.3.1室内消火栓系统计算 65

3.3.2室内消火栓系统屋顶增压设施设计 69

3.3.3减压孔板计算 70

3.3.4 水泵接合器设置 71

3.3.5消防水箱 72

3.3.6消防贮水池 72

3.4自动喷水灭火系统 74

3.4. 1自动喷水灭火给水系统计算 74

3.4.2喷淋系统屋顶增压设施设计 77

3.4.3减压孔板计算 78

3.5 雨水排水系统 81

3.5.1 降雨强度的确定 81

3.5.2 雨水立管的布置 81

3.5.3 雨水水力计算 81

3.6室外排水 83

3.6.1 室外污水 83

3.6.2 室外雨水 84

参考文献 85

结束语 86


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