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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给水排水工程 > 正文


 2022-04-11 21:07:30  


摘 要

利用城镇污水处理厂污泥和清淤海泥两种废弃泥添加辅料制备陶基填料。控制烧制条件,通过对污泥、海泥和添加剂进行不同的配比,根据基础性实验初步估计:烧制出陶基填料的配比条件为海泥成分30%-50%,污泥成分40%-60%,添加剂为10%;且随着污泥质量分数的增大(海泥质量分数的减小),抗压强度逐渐减小,而吸水率则相反。通过选用三种不同配比和三种不同粒径的陶基填料对污水中总磷、氨氮进行吸附等温实验,分析结果表明:陶基填料对总磷吸附实验使用Freundlich方程拟合较好,5组数据比较,粒径越小,比表面积越大,吸附性能越好;污泥配比越多,吸附性能越好,主要原因为污泥中Fe3 、Ca2 和Mg2 的含量多于海泥,易于磷酸盐结合形成表面沉淀使其固定下来被吸附。陶基填料对氨氮吸附实验效果较差,等温模拟相关系数较低,不符合等温吸附方程。环境安全性测试表明,陶基填料中氯离子含量的测试结果为0.00%,可溶性盐含量极低,表明陶基填料不存在氯离子重金属二次污染问题。

关键词:污泥资源化 陶基填料 氨氮 总磷

An experimental study of the preparation of multi-source waste water treatment packing for mud



The use of urban sewage treatment plant sludge and dredging mud mud add two kinds of waste materials for preparing ceramic-based filler. Controlling the firing conditions, through making the sludge, mud and additives a different ratio, according to preliminary estimates of the basic experiment: the ratio of firing pottery conditions for mud-based filler content of 30% -50%, the sludge component 40% -60%, 10% of the additive; and with the increasing mass fraction of the sludge (mud mass fraction decreases), the compressive strength decreases, and the water absorption on the contrary. By choosing three different ratios and three different particle size of filler in sewage Pataki total phosphorus, ammonia nitrogen adsorption isotherm experiments, the results show that: Tao based filler for total phosphorus adsorption experiments using the Freundlich equation fits better, 5 group data compare:the smaller the particle size, the larger specific surface area is, the better adsorption performance is; the more sludge ratio is, the better the adsorption performance is, mainly due to sludge Fe3 , Ca2 and Mg2 content of more than mud, easy combine to phosphate form salt deposited on the surface down to secure it to be adsorbed. Pataki filler for poor ammonia adsorption experiment results, isothermal simulation correlation coefficient is low, does not meet the isotherm equation. Environmental safety tests have shown that the test results Pataki filler chloride ion content of 0.00%, soluble salt content is extremely low, indicating no presence of chlorine-based filler Tao heavy metal ion secondary pollution.


Keywords: Sludge Reuse; Pataki filler; Ammonia; TP

目 录

摘 要 I


第一章 引言 1

1.1废弃泥处理与处置的概述 1

1.1.1 城市污泥的产生及危害 1

1.1.2 城市污水厂污泥处置方式 1

1.1.3陶基填料背景概述 3

1.2 人工湿地基质的概述 4

1.2.1人工湿地基质的分类及选择 4

1.2.2陶基填料作为人工湿地基质的应用 5

1.3陶基填料在水污染治理领域的应用 5

1.3.1人工湿地 5

1.3.2生态砼 6

1.3.3海绵城市 6

1.3.4河道生态岸坡 7

1.4研究陶基填料的目的和意义 7

1.5课题来源 7

1.6研究思路和技术方法 9

第二章 多源废弃泥陶基填料制备试验 10

2.1陶基填料的制备机理 10

2.1.1污泥陶基填料旳膨胀机理 10

2.1.2影响污泥陶基填料的膨胀因素 10

2.2陶基填料的制备试验 12

2.2.1试验仪器设备及原料 12

2.2.2原料的化学成分与预处理 12

2.2.3污泥陶基填料的制备试验流程 13

2.2.4实验结果分析 14

2.3本章小结 17

第三章 陶基填料的环境效应试验 18

3.1吸附试验 18

3.1.1总磷吸附试验 18

3.1.2氨氮吸附试验 25

3.2环境安全性测试 29

3.3本章小结 29

第四章 总结与展望 31

参考文献 32

致 谢 36


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