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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给水排水工程 > 正文


 2022-04-11 20:54:25  


摘 要




the sponge city as a new city construction mode, the concept of sustainable development as the basis and premise, can effectively improve the city's infrastructure construction, the realization of human nature and harmony. In recent years, the south city is facing the problem of runoff pollution and frequent waterlogging loss, rainwater resources. These problems seriously restrict the ecological construction of the city's construction and development, is not conducive to the modernization of the city. Therefore, has very important practical significance to construction of natural purification, natural infiltration and accumulation of natural sponge city. This paper focuses on the South River area of sponge City permeable pavement, green roofs, downgoinggrassland. Taking a small town in South China as an example to make a sponge city model.In town, deputy road, parking lot, square, the main village residential building under the rain water recycling, green roofs and recessed green space design. Finally, the AO process calculation and the calculation of artificial wetland. Through the design of rainwater and sewage, can obviously reflect the south river network area city sponge for flood peak and the important role of water reuse.

[Key words] sponge city; permeable pavement; green roof; sunken green space; theory; low impact development; application;


摘要】 2

[Abstract] 3

第一章绪论 5

1.1河网城区海绵城市研究背景与意义 5

1.2海绵城市构建技术研究与应用现象 5

1.2.11国内海绵城市发展现状 5

1.2.2国外海绵城市发展特点 6

1.3主要研究内容与技术路线 7

1.31主要研究内容 7

1.32技术路线 7

第二章南方河网城区特征及海绵城市构建适宜技术分析 8

2.1河网城区特点及海绵城市构建的制约因素 8

2.1.1河网城区的特点及制约因素 8

2.1.2河网城区海绵城市构建的关键考虑因素 9

2.2河网区海绵城市构建关键技术分析 9

2.2.1透水铺装 9

2.2.2绿色屋顶 12

2.2.3下沉式绿地 14

第三章河网城区海绵城市构建的设计应用 17

3.1区域概况 18

3.2雨、污水量计算 19

3.2.1雨水计算 19

3.2.2污水计算 23

3.3海绵城市社区构建思路 25

3.4关键工艺设计 25

3.4.1透水铺装 25

3.4.2绿色屋顶 29

3.4.3下沉式绿地 32

3.4.4景观湿地 41

第四章结论与建议 45

4.1结论 45

4.2建议 45

结束语 46

参考文献 47

致谢 48

附图一 49

附图二 50




“住建部 2014 年 10月所出台的《海绵城市建设技术指南-低影响开发雨水系统构建》以及规划16试点城市建设。2015年75号文件发布 ,到2020年20%城建区70%总量,到2030年80p%总量。2016年2月25号第二批海绵城市起步”。





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