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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 给水排水工程 > 正文


 2022-04-10 22:30:21  


摘 要












The main problems of urban water supply and the necessity of Engineering Construction: in recent years, with the rapid development of economy, urban construction has changed with each passing day. The number of industrial enterprises is increasing, and the scale of production is gradually expanding. Living cell transformation makes the building more layers, per unit land area increased population, improve the grade of household sanitation facilities, resulting in life water consumption increased; urban public buildings led to increase in service consumption increases, development of industrial enterprises increased the demand for water for industrial use. On the other hand, the acceleration of urbanization makes the scale of the city increase rapidly, and the area of water use is correspondingly enlarged. In short, the total urban water consumption is increasing. But the city water facilities construction can not adapt to the requirements of urban development, mainly for two main aspects: the past construction of urban transport and distribution pipe network system of smaller diameter, lose with water capacity is inadequate; second for lack water supply capacity, water quality is not very ideal.

In order to meet the needs of urban economic development and the improvement of people's living standard, to strengthen the service level of urban infrastructure, to ensure the safety of water supply, the water supply capacity of urban water supply system must be developed.

This design for the riverside in tongling, anhui, 100000 tons of water plant process design. The scale of the project design for 100000 m3 / d.

Requirements according to the information given on process design, the design calculation of monomer structure, water treatment including water conveyance structure design, design and produce water cost calculation.

According to the raw water quality meet the national surface water environment quality standard "(GB3838-2002) Ⅲ class water, effluent water quality requirements to" drinking water health standards "(GB5749-2006), through economic and technical comparison, determine a treatment process to choose:

Raw water - - level of pump room - - pipeline static mixer - gt; grid flocculation pool - gt; advection sedimentation tank - - V filter

Write coagulant

-- - gt; clear water reserviors -- - absorbing well -- - gt; secondary pump room -- - water distribution network.

Write the chlorine disinfection

Keywords: water supply engineering; Water intake structures; The process flow; Water purification structures

目 录

摘要 I

第一章 概 况 1

1 自然概况 1

第二章 供水方案设计 2

1 水源选择 2

1.1 水源选择原则 2

1.2 水源的选择 2

2 工艺流程确定 2

2.1 两种方案 2

2.2 两种方案的技术比较 3

2.3 两种方案的经济比较 4

第三章 取水工程设计 4

1 取水构筑物的规模 4

2 取水构筑物的设计 5

2.1 集水井 5

2.2 设计扬程 5

2.2.1泵所需静扬程HST 5

2.2.2输水干管中的水头损失∑h 6

2.2.3水泵扬程估算 6

2.3初选泵和电机 6

2.3.1 泵的选择 6

2.3.2 水泵吸水管与压水管的确定 6

2.4 机组基础尺寸的确定 7

2.5机组与管道布置 7

2.6 泵房平面尺寸的确定 7

2.7吸水管路与压水管路中水头损失的计算 7

2.7.1 吸水管路中水头损失∑hs =∑hfs+∑hls 8

2.7.2 压水管路中水头损失∑hd=∑hfd+∑hld 8

2.8 取水头部的设计 9

2.9 泵安装高度的确定和泵房筒体高度计算 10

2.10 附属设备的选择 10

2.10.1 起重设备 10

2.10.2 排水设备 10

2.10.3 引水设备 11

2.10.4 通风设备 11

2.11 泵房建筑高度的确定 11

3 絮凝池设计与计算 11

3.1混凝设施 11

3.1.1溶液池容积 11

3.1.2溶解池容积 12

3.1.3 投药管 12

3.1.4溶解池搅拌设备 13

3.1.5计量投加设备 13

3.1.6药剂仓库 13

3.2 混合设备设计计算 14

3.2.1设计管径 14

3.2.2混合单元数 14

3.2.3 混合时间 14

3.2.4 水头损失 14

3.2.5 校核GT值 14

3.3 网格絮凝池设计计算 15

3.3.1网格絮凝池 15

3.3.2使用条件: 15

3.3.3絮凝池有效容积 15

3.3.4过水孔洞流速 16

3.3.5内部水头损失计算 17

4 平流沉淀池设计与计算 18

4.1已知条件 18

4.2 设计计算 19

4.2.1设计水量 19

4.2.2池体尺寸 19

4.3进水穿孔墙 19

4.3.1穿孔墙孔洞总面积 Ω 19

4.3.2孔洞个数 N 19

4.4出水渠 19

4.5排泥设备 20

4.6沉淀池水力条件复核 20

5 V型滤池设计与计算 20

5.1滤池选用V型滤池 20

5.2设计计算 21

5.2.1平面尺寸计算 21

5.2.2进水系统 22

5.2.3反冲洗系统 24

5.2.4过滤系统 25

5.2.5排水系统 26

5.2.6滤池总高度 28

6 消毒 28

6.1加氯量的计算 29

6.2加氯设备的选择 29

6.2.1自动加氯机的选择 29

6.2.2 氯瓶 29

6.2.3 加氯控制 29

6.2.4安全计量设备 29

6.2.5 加氯间和氯库 29

7 清水池设计与计算 30

7.1平面尺寸计算 30

7.1.1清水池的有效容积 30

7.1.2清水池的平面尺寸 31

7.2管道系统 31

7.2.1清水池的进水管 31


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