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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与能源应用工程 > 正文


 2020-04-15 22:06:40  

摘 要

Abstract VI

第一章 基本资料 1

1.1建筑概况 1

1.2设计依据 1

1.3设计参数 1

第二章 围护结构和设备人员灯光的夏季热工指标 3

2.1屋面 3

2.2外墙 3

2.3内墙 3

2.4层间楼板 3

2.5外窗 3

第三章 各部分的负荷计算法 5

3.1外墙、架空楼板、屋面传热形成的计算时刻冷负荷 5

3.2层间楼板和内墙传热温差形成的冷负荷 5

3.3外窗的温差传热冷负荷 6

3.4外窗的太阳辐射冷负荷 6

3.5照明形成的冷负荷 6

3.6设备显热冷负荷 7

3.7人体显热散热形成的计算时刻冷负荷 7

3.8人体散湿形成的潜热冷负荷 8

3.9人体散湿量 8

3.10食物的显热散热冷负荷 8

3.11渗透空气显热冷负荷 9

3.12部分负荷性能曲线 9

第四章 空气处理方案 10

4.1系统形式 10

4.2各空调区的新风量 10

4.3全空气系统送风量及新风量的计算 11

4.3.1热湿比ε 11

4.3.2新风量 11

4.3.3送风量 11

4.3.4修正新风量 12

4.3.5设备冷量 13

4.4风机盘管/毛细管 独立新风系统送风量及新风量的计算 13

4.4.1总送风量 13

4.4.2风盘风量 14

第五章 全空气系统风管及新风管水力计算 17

5.1风管内风速 17

5.2风管布置 17

5.3全空气系统风管水力计算 18

5.4新风管水力计算 19

第六章 辐射空调 新风系统 20

第七章 通风及防排烟系统 21

7.1送排风系统 21

7.2排烟系统 27

7.3楼梯及前室加压送风 27

7.4客房排风 27

第八章 冷热源设计 29

8.1技术比较 29

8.2地源机房设计 30

8.3地埋系统设计 30

8.3.1负荷计算 31

8.3.2地源井计算 31

8.3.3热平衡计算 31

8.3.4地埋管布置 31

8.4工况转换 31

第九章 水管水力计算 33

9.1空调水管 33

9.2地源机房水管 34

第十章 机组设备选型 35

10.1组合式空气处理机组(AHU) 35

10.2风机盘管 36

10.3新风机 36

10.4送排风风机 37

10.5排烟风机 37

10.6热泵机组 38

10.7真空脱气机 38

10.8软水装置 38

10.9板式换热器 39

10.10成套定压补水设备 39

10.11循环泵 39

10.12地源分集水器 39

第十一章 管材、管道防腐、管道保温及消声隔振 41

11.1管材 41

11.2管道的防腐 41

11.3管道保温 41

11.4消声隔振 41

参考文献 43

致谢 44

附录 45




关键词:负荷 全空气系统 新风 辐射 冷热源 通风 防排烟

Air conditioning design of logistics service center of an agency in Chongqing


This design note is mainly designed from four aspects: load calculation, air conditioning system form, system form of cold and heat source, ventilation and smoke control system. Among them, the cold load is calculated according to the hourly load, the heat load is calculated according to the index method, and the domestic hot water lacks specific data for estimation. The air-conditioning system is appropriately arranged from the three types of system systems: all-air system, fan coil and fresh air, radiation and fresh air, depending on the type of room and the frequency of air conditioning. The best choice of cold and heat source,I think,is the ground source heat pump. Though the initial investment is much high, but the operation and maintenance cost is lower , otherwise, the land occupation is smaller, and the life is higher, the soil heat balance calculation in winter and summer is needed, and the working condition conversion is carried out through the opening and closing of the valve. Adjustment. Sketching, after the sketch is arranged, the hydraulic calculation of the duct and the water pipe is carried out, and the loss is calculated according to the specific recommended flow rate and the recommended specific friction. Finally, the appropriate equipment is selected according to the calculated value, and finally the drawing is completed and the description is marked.

Keywords: load, full air system, fresh air, radiation, cold heat source, ventilation, smoke control



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