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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与能源应用工程 > 正文


 2022-01-24 16:26:35  


摘 要





关键词:风系统 水系统 冷热源 送排风 防排烟

Design of air conditioning system in a university library in Shanghai


Based on the background of a university library in Shanghai, this design carries out the design of air conditioning, cold and heat sources, ventilation, smoke prevention and exhaust of underground bicycle depot. According to relevant specifications and engineering experience, this design has carried out room cooling load calculation, air volume calculation, wind system design and water system design. And through the technical and economic comparison, chooses the appropriate cold and heat source scheme to provide efficient and economical stable power for the operation of the building air conditioning system. At the same time, the design of the underground garage is carried out.

In terms of the wind system of the building, the design mainly considers the two air supply modes, the all-air system and the fan-coil coupled with the fresh air system, according to the type of building and the situation of personnel distribution. For each warehouse with less personnel, the constant temperature and humidity unit is chosen. In terms of heat and cold sources, the traditional chiller plus boiler is selected. On the smoke prevention and exhaust of the building, only the underground bicycle garage is designed in detail.

The design conforms to the newer specifications, and considers more targeted regional specifications and library air conditioning system design specifications. The use of Tianzheng drawing to present the design content is highly reliable and intuitive.

Key Words: Wind system; Water system; Cold and heat source; Sending and exhausting; Smoke prevention and exhaust


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 工程概况与原始资料 1

1.1工程概况 1

1.2原始资料 1

第二章 负荷计算 5

2.1通过围护结构传入的非稳态传热形成的逐时冷负荷 5

2.2透过玻璃窗进入的太阳辐射得热形成的逐时冷负荷 5

2.3人体、照明、设备等散热形成的逐时冷负荷 6

2.4通过围护结构传入的稳态传热形成的冷负荷 7

第三章 空调房间风量、设备冷量计算及设备选型 12

3.1空调系统划分 12

3.2空调房间新风量计算 13

3.3全空气一次回风系统风量、冷量计算 13

3.4风机盘管 独立新风系统风量、冷量计算 16

第四章 空调房间气流组织计算 20

4.1 侧向送风 20

4.2散流器平送 21

第五章 风管水力计算 23

5.1风管水力计算 23

5.2机组选型 25

第六章 冷冻水系统水力计算 28

6.1系统形式 28

第七章 冷热源方案选择 32

7.1需求侧负荷计算 32

7.1.2热负荷 37

7.2冷热源方案选择 38

第八章 冷热源机房设计 45

8.1机房位置及机组布置 45

8.2冷冻水系统水力计算 46

8.3冷却水系统水力计算 46

8.4热水管水力计算 47

8.5辅助设备选型 48

第九章 裙楼地下车库通风、排烟设计设计 51

9.1车库概况 51

9.2送、排风量计算 51

9.3送风系统 51

9.4排风系统 52

9.5排烟系统 53

参考文献 55

第一章 工程概况与原始资料








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