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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与能源应用工程 > 正文


 2022-01-07 21:22:31  


摘 要

本建筑位于江苏省南京市,为地下一层地上十二层研发楼,总建筑面积19662 m2。负一层为机房和车库,一层为大厅和餐厅,二层为科研室和办公室,三层为会议室和办公室,四至十二层为办公室。



关键词:负荷计算 空调系统 冷热源

Design of Air conditioning system in Research and Development Building for Green and High-performance Materials Research Institute of Nanjing


The research and development building is located in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province. This building consists of an underground floor and 12 floors above ground with a total floor area of 19662 m2. In this building, the room functions are: (1) the underground floor is used for air conditioning plant room and garage; (2) the hall and restaurant are located at the first floor; (3) the room on the second floor are used for office work and scientific research; (4) the third floor is deployed with conference room and office; and (5) the fourth to twelfth floor is the office.

According to the size and function of the rooms, different types of air conditioning are designed for the rooms based on the National Standards of China, e.g., natural ventilation is used in the restaurant on the first floor; the hall on first floor, the scientific research room on the second floor and the conference room on third floor large adopt the all-air primary return air system. The other rooms adopt the fan coil plus fresh air system, and its water system is designed as two-pipe horizontal-difference-program perpendicular-to-the-programming system. The cooling and heating loads are calculated by using Tianzheng HVAC software, and then are used for determining the equipments for air conditioning system. According to the economic analysis, screw chillers and gas-fired hot water boiler are determined as the cold and heat source of this air conditioning system. Finally, the system is equipped with the setting of silencing and shock absorption, which counteracts the noise from the equipment.

Both of energy-saving and environmental protection are considered in this design, and the materials of energy-saving and environmental protection are selected as far as possible. The cold and heat sources of the air conditioning system are also selected account for economic reasonable, energy saving, and environmental protection.

Keywords: Load calculation; Air conditioning system; Cold and heat sources


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 工程概况 1

1.1建筑概况 1

1.2设计参数主要依据 1

1.3室内外设计参数 1

第二章 负荷计算 6

2.1冷负荷计算方法 6

2.1.1外墙、架空楼板或屋面的传热冷负荷 6

2.1.2外窗的温差传热冷负荷 7

2.1.3外窗的太阳辐射冷负荷 7

2.1.4内围护结构的传热冷负荷 7

2.1.5人体显热冷负荷 8

2.1.6照明冷负荷 8

2.1.7设备显热冷负荷 8

2.1.8人体潜热冷负荷 9

2.2热负荷计算 9

2.2.1围护结构基本耗热量 9

2.2.2附加耗热量 10

2.2.3冷风渗透耗热量 10

2.2.4冷风侵入耗热量 10

2.3负荷计算举例 11

2.4典型房间手工计算对比 15

2.5负荷计算汇总 15

第三章 地下一层汽车库通风设计 16

第四章 空调系统方案设计 19

4.1空调系统的划分 19

4.2新风量的确定 20

4.3全空气一次回风系统计算 20

4.3.1一次回风系统分析 21

4.3.2三层大会议室计算示例 21

4.3.3各全空气一次回风系统汇总 22

4.4风机盘管加新风系统计算 23

4.4.1风机盘管加新风系统分析 23

4.4.2二层办公室1计算示例 24

4.4.3各风机盘管加新风系统汇总 24

4.5空调设备选型 27

第五章 冷热源方案对比及经济性分析 30

5.1负荷整理 30

5.2冷热源方案分析 30

5.3冷热源方案经济性研究 31

5.3.1方案一:复合式地源热泵系统 31

5.3.2方案二:冷水机组加燃气热水锅炉 33

5.3.3方案三:空气源热泵机组 36

5.3.4冷热源经济性分析结果 37

5.4机房其他设备选型 37

5.4.1分集水器的选择 37

5.4.2膨胀水箱的选择 38

5.4.3水过滤器的选择 39

5.4.4全程水处理器的选择 39

5.4.5板式换热器的选择 39

5.4.6软化水箱的选择 40

第六章 风管的水力计算 41

6.1全空气系统计算 41

6.1.1一层大厅全空气系统水力计算 41

6.1.2二层科研室全空气一次回风系统水力计算 42

6.1.3三层大会议室全空气一次回风系统水力计算 44

6.2新风系统计算 45

6.2.1二层的新风系统水力计算 45

6.2.2三层的新风系统水力计算 46

6.2.3四至十二层新风系统水力计算 47

第七章 气流组织计算 48

7.1散流器气流组织计算 48

7.2旋流喷口气流组织计算 49

第八章 水系统水力计算 50

8.1水系统的水力计算方法 50

8.1.1沿程阻力 50

8.1.2局部阻力 50

8.1.3计算步骤 51

8.2冷凝水管的设计 51

8.3水系统水力计算 51

8.3.1一层全空气一次回风系统 51

8.3.2二层全空气一次回风系统 53

8.3.3二层风机盘管加新风系统 53

8.3.4三层风机盘管加新风系统 54

8.3.5三层大会议室全空气一次回风系统 55

8.3.6四至十二层风机盘管加新风系统 56

8.3.7全空气一次回风系统立管 57

8.3.8风机盘管加新风系统立管 57

8.3.9冷水管道水力计算 58

8.3.10冷却水管道水力计算 59

8.3.11机房内用户侧热水水力计算 60

8.4不平衡率计算 60

第九章 管道保温防腐、设备消声减震 61

9.1管道保温防腐 61

9.2设备消声减震 61

参考文献 63

附录1 各房间冷负荷计算表 65

附录2 各房间热负荷计算表 81

第一章 工程概况


本建筑位于江苏省南京市,为地下一层地上十二层研发楼,总建筑面积19662 m2。负一层为车库和设备间,一层为大厅和餐厅,二层为科研室和办公室,三层为会议室和办公室,四至十二层为办公室。















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