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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与能源应用工程 > 正文


 2021-04-15 21:40:01  

摘 要


项目总用地面积3875平方米; 总建筑面积11660平方米,其中地上建筑面积10698平方米,地下建筑面积962平方米,建筑密度34.64%,容积率1.07。这个项目的地下室有四层,地面和五层。地下层高5.8米,一楼高度5.4米,二层至四层高度为4.2米;建筑的檐口高度为18.396米建筑类型为多层建筑,建筑耐火等级为一级,设计使用年限为50年,结构类型为钢框架。建筑功能的分布:底层的主要功能是设备室,包括制冷机房、变电站、泵房;第一层的主要功能有游泳池、生态中庭、亲子园、社区展览馆;二楼的主要功能是羽毛球馆。、乒乓球室、健身房、舞蹈练习室等;三楼主要功能为老年大学、社区社区、图书馆阅览室等;四楼的主要功能是多功能厅、报告厅、棋牌室等。图纸是指建筑物的地板。




In this graduation project, I selected Qinhuangdao in Hebei Province, the north of the area and Yanshan, near the Bohai Sea in the south, bordering Liaoning Province in the east, and adjoining Tangshan City in the west. Qinhuangdao was sent here because the Qin Shihuang was stationed here on the east. People cross the sea to seek for immortals to get this name. As a non-profit public construction project in the area, the service radius of the cultural and sports center covers all the starting areas and some built-up areas near the area. The Style Center is a place where community residents can provide community services such as communication, fitness, adult education, and cultural activities to improve social functions in residential areas. Therefore, the concept of displaying green buildings to society while reducing actual operating costs is the core issue of architectural design. The surrounding municipal power, heat, gas and other municipal facilities are complete.

The total land area of the project is 3,875 square meters; the total construction area is 11,660 square meters, including 10,698 square meters of above-ground construction area, 962 square meters of underground construction area, 34.64% of building density, and volume ratio of 1.07. The basement of this project has four floors, ground and five floors. The ground floor is 5.8 meters high, the first floor is 5.4 meters high, the second floor to the fourth floor is 4.2 meters high; the building's cornice height is 18.396 meters. The building type is a multi-storey building, the building fire-resistance grade is grade one, and the design service life is 50 years. The type of structure is a steel frame. The distribution of building functions: The main function of the ground floor is the equipment room, including the refrigerating machine room, substation, and pump room. The main functions of the first floor include the swimming pool, ecological atrium, parent-child garden, and community exhibition hall. The main function of the second floor is the badminton hall. The main function of the third floor is elderly university, community community, library reading room, etc. The main functions of the fourth floor are multi-function hall, lecture hall, chess and card room, etc. Drawings refer to the floor of a building.

According to the climate characteristics of Hebei, comprehensive consideration of project construction functions, reasonable choice of energy solutions, cold and heat source program, air conditioning, air distribution, system form, control program, etc., make the design warmer when the air-conditioning system meets the requirements. Investment and operating energy consumption and operating costs are better. Through the design, training, exercise and improve a variety of energy use capabilities, the use of knowledge learned to solve complex technical issues. In this design, students should fully consider the functional characteristics of the building, combined with the type of system used, can be a reasonable supplement to the air-conditioned room, well function, etc., and described in the corresponding file.

Keywords: air conditioning engineering, wind system, water system


第一章 绪论 1

1.1.目的 1

1.2.设计基础资料 1

1.2..1室外气象设计参数的确定 1

表1—1室外气象设计参数 2

1.2.2.室内空气设计参数的确定 2

1.2. 3.新风量的确定 2

第二章 负荷计算 6

2.1选取茶餐厅详算 6

表2—1 南外墙冷负荷 8

表2—3 南外窗瞬变传热冷负荷 9

表2—4 南窗日射得热冷负荷 10

表2—5 照明散热冷负荷 10

表2—6 人体散热冷负荷 11

表2—7 各分项逐时冷负荷汇总表 12

2.2其他房间的热负荷 14

第三章 空调方案及空气处理过程 22

3.1空调方案的选择 22

3.2空调系统的划分原则 22

3.3各种空调系统的比较 23

表3—1风机盘管加独立新风系统的特点 23

3.4方案确定 24

3.5空气处理过程 24

3.6其他房间送风量的确定和风机盘管的选型 28

第四章 气流组织 31

4.1气流组织的计算 31

4.2回风口的选择和布置 33

4.3其他房间送风口风口规格的选取 33

第五章 水力计算 36

5.1风系统水力计算 37

5.2空调水系统水力计算 40

(1)水系统供水温度 41

(2)确定实际流速: 41

5.2.2以一层1.1立管的水管平面布置为例 41

6.冷却水系统设计 46

6.1空调冷却水系统 46

6.2冷却水量的计算 46

6.3冷却塔的选型 46

6.4冷却水系统设计 46

6.5冷却水泵 47

6.6分水器和集水器 47

6.7膨胀水箱 47

6.8补偿器 48

7. 系统的维护 49

7.1.1维护和保养 49

7. 1.2冷却水系统冷却水系统 49

7.1.3定期清洗冷却水盘和水库 49

致谢 50

参考文献 51

第一章 绪论




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