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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与设备工程 > 正文


 2022-04-19 18:31:02  


摘 要




关键字:空调系统  风机盘管加新风系统 全空气系统


A university campus is located in the eastern part of the new Xi'an Huxian, and next to Chang'an District.The northeast of the university is for other new campus, southeast into the arc and the adjacent mountains tourist highway.

The design for the library's air conditioning system, the characteristics of the selected system should be integrated library consideration.Because the library a total of five, a large area of air quality, there are certain requirements.Who will bear the whole water system all indoor air conditioning load, and can eliminate indoor heat than wet, can not play a role in improving indoor air quality, for the library, it should not be used.The library is open during the day, closed at night, intermittent use, staff distributed more evenly, while some rooms are not the same cooling and heating load, such as offices, services and other readers, the need for individual adjustment.Overall, the interior parameters are different, so it should be partitioned into account. Effects of such a large space, the cooling and heating load is basically the same, you can use the whole air system.The air fan coil system can satisfy each room individually adjusted, but this has a lot of books for the library, to avoid being soaked in water sites, the system is not fully applicable, so the design all-air system and fan coil plus fresh air system.

The design includes: the room, including cold, heat load and the air volume calculation; determining the way the air conditioning system and air system, water system resistance calculation; air-conditioned computer room design and calculate and plot construction drawings.

Key words: air-conditioning fan coil plus fresh air system All air system


摘要 I

Abstract II

第一章 原始资料 1

1.1建筑概况 1

1.2气象资料 2

1.2.1室外气象参数 2

1.2.2 室内空气设计参数 2

1.3土建资料 3

1.3.1外墙、内墙选型 3

1.3.2屋面选型 4

1.3.3楼板选型 4

1.3.4窗的选型 4

1.3.5人员、设备、照明的选择 4

第二章 负荷计算 6

2.1准备工作 6

2.1.1空调区的得热量构成 6

2.1.2冷负荷的构成 6

2.1.3湿负荷的构成 6

2.2冷负荷的计算 6

2.2.1冷负荷的计算方法 6

2.2.2空调冷负荷计算 7

2.3湿负荷的计算方法 14

2.4热负荷 14

第四章 送风状态参数及送风量的确定 17

4.1新风量规定 18

4.2风机盘管系统风量的计算 19

4.3一次回风系统风量的计算 20

第五章 空气处理设备的选型 21

5.1风机盘管 新风系统设备选型 21

5.2一次回风系统设备选型 21

第六章 气流组织计算 22

6.1气流组织方案论证 22

6.1.1风口形式的确定 22

6.1.2气流组织形式的确定 22

6.2气流组织计算 22

6.2.1送风口的选择计算 22

6.2.1回风口的选择计算 23

6.2.2风口布置 23

第七章 风管、水管的水力计算 24

7.1空调水系统水力计算 24

7.1.1水管管径的确定 24

7.1.2阻力的确定 24

7.1.3计算步骤如下 25

7.1.4一层水系统的水力计算 25

7.2风管的水力计算 27

7.2.1风管系统 27

7.2.2风管水利计算的内容 27

7.2.3风管的水利计算 28

7.3冷凝水管设计 29

第八章 冷热源的选择 31

8.1冷热源方案初定 31

8.2冷热源方案的经济性分析 31

方案1 冷水机组 燃气锅炉 31

方案2 冷水机组 市政热力管网 34

第九章  制冷机房 35

9.1制冷机房的位置选择 35

9.2冷水机组的选择 35

9.2.1冷水机组的装机容量 35

9.2.2冷水机组的台数 35

9.2.3冷水机组的选型 35

9.3换热器 36

9.4冷却塔的选择 37

9.5 水泵的选型 37

9.5.1冷冻水泵的选择 37

9.5.2冷却水泵的选择 38

9.5.3热水泵的选择 39

9.6补水定压装置的选择 39

9.6.1膨胀水箱水量的计算 40

9.7分集水器的选择 40

9.8水处理设备的选择 41

9.8.1软水器和软化水箱 41

9.8.2电子水处理仪 41

10.1 消声设计 42

10.2 保温设计 42

10.3 隔振设计 42

10.3.1设备隔振 42

10.3.2管道隔振 42

参考文献 43

第一章 原始资料





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