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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 土木建筑类 > 建筑环境与设备工程 > 正文


 2022-04-18 22:32:45  


摘 要






关键词:全空气系统 风机盘管加新风系统 水系统 冷水机组

The Nanjing’s Infectious Diseases Supervisor District Building’s air-conditioning design


The project is located in Nanjing City. The Infectious Diseases Supervisor District Building has 4 floor on the ground.the first floor is 4.5 meters tall, the other are all 3.6 meters tall, with a total height of 15.30 meters, total construction area is about 6854.3 square meters, the building is divided into conference rooms, rehabilitation work areas, duty rooms, wards, activity rooms, guilty nursing dormitories, offices and so on.

The design is about the four-floor roomsair-conditioning and refrigeration-room design. The area of need for air-conditioning design is about 4972 square meters.

This design uses two typical air conditioning systems: two rehabilitation work areas on the first foor are tall and crowded , to comply with regulatoriesrequirements, using the total air system,The remaining rooms are used fan coil unit and fresh air system, are all used under air diffusers and fresh air in the form of independent delivery.The water system is a closed loop mechanical double - pipe system.The refrigeration room is located in the basement of the police office building, cold and heat source solutions are chiller and boiler, cooling tower is located in the police office building’s roof.

Corrosion pipe insulation,the muffler damping of air-conditioning system and energy saving measures are also be discussed in the design.

Keywords: total air system fan coil unit and fresh air system water system chiller

目 录

摘要 II


第1章 空调设计基本资料 1

1.1 工程概况 1

1.2 设计参数 1

1.3 建筑资料 2

1.4 确定房间类型 2

1.5 确定空调负荷的计算时间 3

第2章 空调负荷计算 4

2.1 室内冷负荷计算 4

2.2湿负荷的计算 7

第3章 空调系统方案的确定 8

3.1 室内冷负荷计算 4

3.2湿负荷的计算 7

3.3回风方案的选择及特点 13

第4章 空调机组选型 15

4.1 空调房间风量、冷量计算 15

4.2 末端设备选型 18

第5章 气流组织的计算 20

5.1气流组织的基本要求 27

5.2气流组织的设计要求 27

第6章 风系统设计计算 20

6.1 风系统设计概述 23

6.2 风管选择 23

6.3 风管水力计算 24

第7章 水系统设计计算 27

7.1空调水系统形式的确定 27

7.2 冷冻水系统水力计算 29

7.3冷凝水系统观景选择 35

7.4水系统主要设备的附件的选择计算 36

第8章 冷热源的确定及制冷机房设计 37

8.1 冷热源的确定 37

8.2 冷水机组的选择 39

8.3 水泵的选择 40

8.4冷却塔的选型与计算 47

8.5锅炉的选型 50

8.6水处理设备的选型 51

第9章 保温与防腐 58

9.1 风管水管保温 59

9.2 水管风管防腐 60

第10章 消声与隔震 61

10.1概述 61

10.2噪声控制 61

10.3震动控制 62

第11章 空调系统节能措施 63

参考文献 64

致谢 64

第1章 空调设计基本资料

1.1 工程概况



1.2 设计参数



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