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毕业论文网 > 毕业论文 > 设计学类 > 艺术设计学 > 正文


 2022-03-24 22:06:24  


摘 要


Abstract: At this time, which the material civilization is highly developed in the modern society. City managers and urban residents pay more attention to the living environment. Also,the demand of public landscape greenbelt and public space is increasing in unprecedented speed. Among them, the urban waterfront landscape has become an important part in the city. And it is the most popular area for city residents to hold leisure and recreational activities, whichmade the urban waterfront space a public area with a dense population.So that, it has become a very important part of the city by means of overall planning and design andit is with great value for the development of city. While, the design of urban waterfront landscape planning is gradually becoming an important subject in landscape.Urban waterfront landscape areahasnot only high economic benefit and social value, it can also improve the urban ecological environment. Moreover,it is arepresentationof urban historical background and social customs.It may gradually become the pronoun of the city image.This paper introduces the purposes and significance of urban waterfront landscape designin detail.

Also elaborate basic principles and basic ideas of waterfront landscape design. Also introduce the theory with the example of anqiu wenhe river landscape zone design. Analyzethe concept and the design method of the design of the river landscape in anqiu wenhe. At last, elaborate my graduation design of jiulong lake.Specification design concept, design thinking and the use of landscape elements and design methods.

关键词:景观设计; 城市滨水景观;城市滨水区;景观元素 ;设计原则

Keywords: Landscape Design;Urban waterfront landscape;Urban waterfront;Landscape elements;Design principle


摘要: I

Abstract: I

第一章 概述 1

引言: 1

1.1城市滨水景观的定义 1

1.1.1 城市滨水景观的概念及其含义 1

1.1.2 城市滨水景观的分类(类型) 2

1.2 城市滨水景观现状分析 5

1.2.1 国内城市滨水景观规划的研究现状 6

1.2.2 我国城市滨水景观建设面临的问题 6

第二章 城市滨水景观设计元素 8

2.1 蓝带的景观设计元素 8

2.1.1水体 8

2.1.2护岸 9

2.1.3 喷泉叠水 9

2.1.4 桥 9

2.2 绿带的景观设计元素 10

2.2.1景观功能 10

2.2.2 生态功能 10

2.3 灰带的景观设计元素 10

2.3.1 滨水广场 10

2.3.2 滨水游步道 11

2.3.3景观小品 11

2.3.4 陆标 11

第三章 城市滨水景观设计原则 13

3.1基本设计原则 13

3.1.1整体协调,特色突出 13

3.1.2因地制宜,充分利用 13

3.1.3尊重自然 13

3.1.4突出重点 13

3.2公共空间设计原则 13

3.2.1防洪生态景观多功能原则 13

3.2.2以人为本原则 14

3.2.3结合地方特色彰显地方风韵原则 14

3.3规划设计原则 14

3.3.1系统与区域原则 14

3.3.2多目标兼顾原则 14

3.3.3自然生态原则 14

3.3.4文脉延续原则 15

第四章 城市滨水景观具体设计方法(实践探索) 16

第五章 九龙湖城市滨水公园景观设计 20

5.1 项目背景与概况 20

5.1.1调研场地分析 20

5.1.2 实地调研分析 21

5.2 设计目的 21

5.3设计原则 22

5.4 设计理念与主题 22

5.5 特色设计 23

第六章 小结 27

参考文献 28

第一章 概述

引言: 纵观人类文明的发展史,我们可以得出一个非常明显的结论,人类文明的繁荣和发展总是和水源密切相关。不论国内国外,凡是高度发展的城市总是伴随着河流、湖泊和海洋。正是因为城市和水域的这种共生共存的紧密关系,自古以来人类就对于城市滨水环境的保护、利用和美化非常的关注。


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